This guide is about translating WackoWiki to another language.
WackoWiki‘s userinterface can be configured to use any language by setting the appropriate option. Have a look in the lang/
directory to see which languages are already available. To translate WackoWiki to your own language, copy the lang/en/
directory to a new one named after your two-letter ISO language code.
1. Supported Languages
Encoding: UTF-8
# | Language tag | User Documentation | Localization | Locale | Maintainer |
1 | ar | العربية | العربية | ar_EG | |
2 | bg | Български | ((!/bg )) | bg_BG | |
3 | cs | Čeština | ((!/cs )) | cs_CZ | |
4 | da | Dansk | Danish | da_DK | |
5 | de | Deutsch | Deutsch | de_DE | WikiAdmin |
6 | el | Ελληνικά | Ελληνικά | el_GR | Evaggelos Balaskas |
7 | en | English | English | en_US | brianko |
8 | es | Español | Español? | es_ES | KlePy |
9 | et | Eesti | ((!/et )) | et_EE | |
10 | fa | فارسی | ((!/fa )) | fa_IR | |
11 | fi | Suomi | ((!/fi )) | fi_FI | |
12 | fr | Français | Français | fr_FR | |
13 | hi | हिन्दी | ((!/hi )) | hi_IN | |
14 | hu | Magyar | ((!/hu )) | hu_HU | |
15 | id | Bahasa Indonesia | Bahasa Indonesia | id_ID | |
16 | it | Italiano | ((!/it )) | it_IT | |
17 | ja | 日本語 | ((!/ja )) | ja_JP | |
18 | ko | 한국어 | ((!/ko )) | ko_KR | |
19 | nl | Nederlands | ((!/nl )) | nl_NL | |
20 | no | Norsk | ((!/no )) | no_NO | |
21 | pl | Polski | ((!/pl )) | pl_PL | |
22 | pt | Português | ((!/pt )) | pt_PT | |
23 | pt-br | Português-Brazil | ((!/pt-br )) | pt_BR | |
24 | ro | Romainiană | ((!/ro )) | ro_RO | |
25 | ru | Русский | ((!/ru )) | ru_RU | Elar9000 |
26 | ta | தமிழ் | தமிழ் | ta_IN | தமிழ் நேரம் |
27 | sv | Svenska | ((!/sv )) | sv_SE | |
28 | uk | Українська | ((!/uk )) | uk_UA | |
29 | zh | 简体中文 | 简体中文 | zh_CN | qianmengnet |
30 | zh-tw | 正體中文 | ((!/zh-tw )) | zh_TW |
Important: Please note that we have not verified those translations. If you believe that a translation is false or misleading, please contact us.
2. Message sets
WackoWiki supports the fi
and pt-br
language tag sub-code scheme in the language file name, only lower case characters are allowed.
2.1. Locations
Message sets can be found under the following locations:
2.2. To Localize
Please check your language files whether the following message sets have yet to be translated into your language or whether the wording can be improved.
2.2.1. Main
- default language file- default language definition
'lang_scheme' => [ 'name' => 'English', 'code' => 'en', 'dir' => 'ltr', 'locale' => 'en_US', ],
- default language definition
2.2.2. Installer
– default language file
2.2.3. Admin panel
– default language file
2.2.4. JavaScript
– default language file
2.2.5. Theme
– default language file
3. Help to improve translation

Don't see your native language here? Is a translation incomplete or improper?
If your ability in English is sufficient to produce high-quality translations of English texts in a formal style, you can volunteer to translate WackoWiki.
- you want to start a new translation or continue an existing one and you want to avoid duplicating your work with someone else
- you're looking for other people who want to work with you on translating
- you're having technical questions about tools, the source tree, the meaning of terms, etc.
Send us your translations or corrections via E-Mail, Bugtracker, Pullreqest or add them at Crowdin.
3.1. Online Translation

- translate
- proofread
If you'd like a new language to be added to Crowdin, for you to be able to provide translations for, please open a new issue here.
4. Documentation
Core pages to translate
# | Page | Languages | Notes |
1 | Features | de, es, fr, ru, zh | |
2 | Requirements | de, es, fr, ru, zh | |
3 | Installation | de, es, fr, ru, zh | |
4 | Upgrade | de, es, fr, ru, zh | |
5 | Configuration | de, es, fr, ru | |
6 | Themes | de, es, fr, ru, zh | |
7 | Formatting | de, es, fr, ru, zh | |
8 | Actions | de, es, fr, ru, zh | |
9 | Access Control | de, es, fr, ru, zh | |
10 | Admin Panel | de, es, fr, ru, zh | |
11 | WikiConcept | de, es, ru | |
12 | Markup | de, es, ru, zh | |
13 | Wabi-sabi | de, es, fr, ru, zh | |
14 | File Permissions | de, es, ru, zh | |
15 | Localizations |
It is desirable to have all essential pages available at least in Chinese, German, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
5. Localize your action, handler or module
5.1. Action and Handler
'UserName' => 'User name',
<?php echo $this->_t('UserName');
5.2. Template
pull in templates
[ ' _t: UserName ' ]
5.3. Admin Panel
'BackupCompleted' => 'Backing up and archiving completed.<br>' . 'The Backup package files were stored in the sub-directory %1.<br>' . 'To download it use FTP (maintain the directory structure and file names when copying).<br>' . 'To restore a backup copy or remove a package, go to <a href="%2">Restore database</a>.',
<?php echo Ut::perc_replace( $engine->_t('BackupCompleted'), '<code>' . $pack . '</code>', $engine->href('', '', ['mode' => 'db_restore']));
6. Tools
6.1. relang.php
- Relang - sync message sets in all language files based on default file (en)
6.2. Machine translation
- - On-device browser translations
- Firefox Addon