Localizations of WackoWiki
Also available in Deutsch, Español, Française, Русский, 简体中文
Good news for you using WackoWiki is that it supports as many language schemes as you dare to create. More than 28 languages are already supported. Wacko allows for a complete translation of the interface into any number of languages. Switching between languages is done in the user settings.
1. Create your own language scheme
WackoWiki language files are separated from code and stored in the lang/ sub-folder. If you untar/unzip installation pack, you will find them. In that folder you`ll find wacko.en.php, wacko.ru.php and some more files for other languages.
If you want to create your own language scheme, e.g. for Finnish, you need to do the next three simple actions:
- Copy one of the existing schemes (that one you most familiar with) to a new file (wacko.fi.php for Finnish)
- Open your newly created file and edit it, changing the translation values after "
" according to the target language (this takes the time). - Adapt the array (wacko.fi.php for Finnish) for you language scheme
'lang_scheme' => [ 'name' => 'Finnish', 'code' => 'fi', 'dir' => 'ltr', 'locale' => 'fi_FI', ],
When finished point 3, your language scheme is complete & it will automatically appear in your user settings as a choice for language.
If you want to use your language scheme as default in your Wacko installation, simply change the language
parameter in your configuration via the Admin panel.
Note that if you want to have installer of WackoWiki works with your language, you also need to translate:
Admin panel
The easiest way to create a new language scheme is to copy an existing (see Repository) one and edit it.
2. Contribute to WackoWiki translation at Crowdin.
Help to translate WackoWiki for other community members. We need your help to translate WackoWiki into different languages. We have set up a repository at crowdin.com/project/wackowiki, where users can contribute translations.
3. Custom message sets' translations
You can add custom message sets for your own scripts under lang/custom.<lang>.php
The user must create these files themselves, e.g. custom.de.php
using $custom_translation = [];
<?php $custom_translation = [ // my coffee action 'BuyMilk' => 'Milch kaufen', 'MakeCoffee' => 'Kaffee machen', 'AddSugar' => 'Zucker hinzufügen', ]
This way, the user's own message sets are not accidentally overwritten by updates.