Also available in ((../Deutsch/Lokalisierung Deutsch)), ((../Español/Localización Español)), ((../Français/Localisation Française)), ((../Русский/Локализация Русский)), ((/Doc/简体中文/本地化 简体中文))
{{toc numerate=1}}
Good news for you using WackoWiki is that it supports as many ((/Dev/Translations language schemes)) as you dare to create. More than 28 languages are already supported. Wacko allows for a complete translation of the interface into any number of languages. Switching between languages is done in the user settings.
===Create your own language scheme===
WackoWiki language files are separated from code and stored in the **lang/** sub-folder. If you untar/unzip ((/Download installation pack)), you will find them. In that folder you`ll find **wacko.en.php**, **** and some more files for other languages.
* ##lang/wacko.en.php##
If you want to create your own language scheme, e.g. for Finnish, you need to do the next three simple actions:
1. Copy one of the existing schemes (that one you most familiar with) to a new file (**** for Finnish)
2. Open your newly created file and edit it, changing the translation values after "##=>##" according to the target language (this takes the time).
3. Adapt the array (**** for Finnish) for you language scheme
'lang_scheme' => [
'name' => 'Finnish',
'code' => 'fi',
'dir' => 'ltr',
'locale' => 'fi_FI.UTF-8',
When finished point 3, your language scheme is complete & it will automatically appear in your user settings as a choice for !!language!!.
If you want to use your language scheme as default in your Wacko installation, simply change the ##language## parameter in your ((Configuration configuration)) via the ((AdminPanel Admin panel)).
Note that if you want to have installer of WackoWiki works with your language, you also need to translate:
* ##setup/lang/inserts.en.php##
* ##setup/lang/installer.en.php##
Admin panel
* ##admin/ap.en.php##
* ##js/lang/wikiedit.en.js##
!!If you are done creating scheme for a new language, not yet supported by WackoWiki, it would be great & honorous to (( send us)) your language file (**** according to the example above), so we could add one more language into ((/Download installation pack)) and make WackoWiki one step more international. Thanks in advance.!!
The easiest way to create a new language scheme is to copy an existing (see [[/Org/Tools/Repository Repository]]) one and edit it.
===Contribute to WackoWiki translation at Crowdin.===
Help to translate WackoWiki for other community members. We need your help to translate WackoWiki into different languages. We have set up a repository at ((, where users can contribute translations.
===Custom message sets' translations===
You can add custom message sets for your own scripts under ##lang/custom.<lang>.php##
The user must create these files themselves, e.g. using ##$custom_translation = [];##
$custom_translation = [
// my coffee action
'BuyMilk' => 'Milch kaufen',
'MakeCoffee' => 'Kaffee machen',
'AddSugar' => 'Zucker hinzufügen',
This way, the user's own message sets are not accidentally overwritten by updates.