Stopping without error while testing database

Hello everybody,
Tried to install WackoWiki. Get 500 Server Error with no description while trying to create tables by setup script.

Got success on Testing DB conntection and then nothing.

I have founded that problem was in file install-databases on 168 line

// set SESSION sql_mode
// mysqli_query($dblink, "SET SESSION sql_mode='$sql_modes'"); <---- Commenting this line helped me	

$dblink and $sql_modes are not empty, so there were no time figure out what to do.
If someone know what was the problem => write please

Thanks a lot


  1. Ответ: Stopping without error while testing database

    I've tried this already. Changed value to "6" to get errors.
    Everything that I can say that nothing are there.

    Just got empty response page with 500 error and the first <li> with testing DB conntection</li>. That's all
    Maybe I've had a specific VM settings so that's why it didnt't work

    I will check logs in the next week. Don't have access now to it, thanks
  2. Re: Stopping without error while testing database

    After a feedback on GitHub, is it possible that this was also a MySQL 8 issue with NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER?

    Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Variable 'sql_mode' can't be set to the value of 'NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER' in /setup/install-database.php:180	
    • WikiAdmin
    • 11/11/2023 20:31 edited
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