User password reset by Admin?


I'm the admin of a page and have access to the Database. (How) Can I reset the password of a user that has never confirmed his mail and therefore cannot reset the password via mail?

Thanks for help!

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  1. User password reset by admin

    First the user can reset his email and / or resend his confirmation email (if he has never confirmed his email) via the user account settings.

    What happen if the user has forgot his password and never confirmed his email?
    Now the user tries to recover his password via the password recovery function but is told that his email never has confirmed and therefore he can't get an email.

    1. you can empty the field 'email_confirm' in the 'user' table for this user so he can reset his password by his own via email
    2. via Admin panel you can resend the email confirmation code for this user again
    • WikiAdmin
    • 02/18/2021 10:41 edited
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