View source for Git Client

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Every Git repository is complete, self-contained, and independent. It contains its own private copy of a project’s files and history. A cloned repository remembers the location of the repository it was cloned from, but it does not communicate with that repository, or any other, unless you tell it to. 

Fore more information about Git see (( the official site)).

===Git command line client===
On a Linux system if/once the git client is installed open a terminal and type ##~git --help## .

You can use (( TortoiseGit)) for Windows PCs. The tool will be fully integrated in the Windows explorer.

  * (( Donwload Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers)) + (( PDT))  + (( EGit))
  * "Help"->"Install New Software..." 
    * Name:  PHP Development Tools (PDT)
      * URL:  ##~
      * (( PDT))

  * ((/Org/Tools/Repository/Git/Client/Eclipse Screenshots: Working with Eclipse))

  * Unpack the Eclipse package in ##opt/## and create a starter for your desktop
    * ##sudo tar -zxvf eclipse-php-2024-06-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz -C /opt/##
  * Line endings: Please enforce **LF** 
    1. Since Eclipse uses the platform’s line ending by default, source code written on Unix / Mac OS will use line feeds (**LF**), whereas Windows installations of Eclipse produce carriage returns AND line feeds (**CRLF**).
    2. Go to the //preferences// and select //General -> Workspace//. The New text file line delimiter determines which line ending is used for newly created files.
  * missing spell checker in Eclipse for PHP Developers:  Installing JDT in Eclipse fixes the problem (the spell checking functionality is bundled with the JDT)
  * Setting the encoding per file via Edit -> Set Encodings... or per project Properties -> Resource and type or choose
    * Unicode ##UTF-8## (project default)
  * (( SonarLint))



===MGit=== - Android

(( GUI Clients))