View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000336 | WackoWiki | localization | public | 2009-10-14 10:42 | 2025-03-14 18:04 |
Reporter | Tann San | Assigned To | administrator | ||
Priority | high | Severity | tweak | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Product Version | 5.0.beta | ||||
Target Version | 6.1.x | Fixed in Version | 6.1.x | ||
Summary | 0000336: Have a base language file that the localisation ones can overwrite | ||||
Description | At the moment to add a new string for a single button means having to add the line to every language file, 14 at the moment. This is time consuming and a bit pointless since it's the same line without translations. An example is these two lines: "LogPageEdited" => "Edited page [[/%1]]", "LogCommentEdited" => "Edited comment [[/%1]]", They appear in all the /lang/wacko.[lang].php files in English. The only one they don't is the ru language which has already been fully translated. Instead of that big copy and paste job we can have a base language file. I propose English as the base. We first load that in and then we look at the user selected lang for the site and array_merge that with the base language array. This would require a very small change to implement within the init.php file. We would then have to sort out the language files i.e. remove all the English lines from the non english files. | ||||
Tags | UTF-8 | ||||
related to | 0000216 | resolved | administrator | UTF8 support |
related to | 0000163 | acknowledged | database language system |
Good idea but didn't we run again in the charset trap until we finally have Wacko UTF-8 compatible? |
from Serge: "it is almost a miracle - add/delete to english, run # relang wacko.en.php wacko.??.php and all set & done [..] relang.php is complete language & charset agnostic, requiring that translation array keys be alphanumeric, but this is easily fixable " |
It takes now English as fallback for missing message sets. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2009-10-14 10:42 | Tann San | New Issue | |
2009-12-11 19:55 | administrator | Note Added: 0000732 | |
2009-12-11 19:55 | administrator | Status | new => acknowledged |
2010-03-08 10:16 | administrator | Category | Localization => localization |
2011-07-30 07:01 | administrator | Relationship added | related to 0000216 |
2011-07-30 07:03 | administrator | Relationship added | related to 0000163 |
2011-08-03 08:19 | administrator | Note Edited: 0000732 | |
2013-01-05 11:21 | administrator | Target Version | 5.4.0 => 7.0.x |
2015-05-28 16:25 | administrator | Tag Attached: UTF-8 | |
2016-07-03 12:22 | administrator | Note Added: 0000963 | |
2016-07-03 12:46 | administrator | Note Edited: 0000963 | |
2025-03-14 18:02 | administrator | Note Edited: 0000963 | |
2025-03-14 18:04 | administrator | Assigned To | => administrator |
2025-03-14 18:04 | administrator | Status | acknowledged => resolved |
2025-03-14 18:04 | administrator | Resolution | open => fixed |
2025-03-14 18:04 | administrator | Fixed in Version | => 6.1.x |
2025-03-14 18:04 | administrator | Target Version | 7.0.x => 6.1.x |
2025-03-14 18:04 | administrator | Note Added: 0001116 |