WackoWiki - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0000336: [localization] Have a base language file that the localisation ones can overwrite (administrator)
- 0000569: [localization] Offer user an option to modify the date format throughout the wiki (administrator)
- 0000341: [core] date and time formats dependent on user language (administrator)
- 0000562: [action] page call not detecting authenticated session (administrator)
- 0000557: [administration] /admin.php?mode=system_info does not indicate presence of TLS connection (administrator)
- 0000567: [search] 'Search in title only' selection should be remembered across search pages (brianko)
- 0000564: [cache] Remove deprecated usage of Pragma: no-cache header (administrator)
- 0000563: [authentication] Change $cf_cookie_samesite default to 'Lax' (administrator)
- 0000141: [xml] Export doesn't work without write privilege. Fix attached. (administrator)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2021-12-25
Brings PHP 8.0 compatibility.
- 0000284: [wikiedit] WikiEdit does not show buttons bar when charset /language is Estonian/Polish (administrator)
- 0000010: [appearance] language-independent interface (administrator)
- 0000130: [localization] Always return iso-8859-1 (administrator)
- 0000208: [localization] JavaScript alert is unreadable (administrator)
- 0000267: [formatter] add right-to-left support (administrator)
- 0000537: [seo] add link rel="canonical" (administrator)
- 0000551: [core] redirect with tag having Unicode fails (administrator)
- 0000339: [email] Bad (ampersand-encoded) e-mail subject (administrator)
- 0000553: [core] PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null (administrator)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2019-12-15
WackoWiki 6.0 brings Unicode support and PHP 7.4 compatibility.
All installations that are currently running any 5.x version are strongly advised to upgrade to this release.
All installations that are currently running any 5.x version are strongly advised to upgrade to this release.
- 0000216: [unicode] UTF8 support (administrator)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2019-12-01
- 0000340: [email] Mixed language in e-mail diff notifications (administrator)
- 0000550: [action] added missing link path normalization (administrator)
- 0000549: [handler] add navigation to move to previous or next diff (administrator)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2019-11-03
- 0000548: [action] redirect: change the default HTTP status code to 301 (administrator)
- 0000543: [formatter] add parameter to limit redirects for rerendering pages and the amout of pages rendered at once (administrator)
- 0000546: [action] add routine to set missing ACL sets (administrator)
- 0000542: [formatter] set HTML-filter parameters values for re-rendering pages (administrator)
- 0000545: [formatter] broken context determination for comments in page re-rendering (administrator)
- 0000544: [action] orphaned action shows not only orphaned pages (administrator)
- 0000541: [handler] comment with missing parent page causes redirect loop (administrator)
- 0000540: [email] diff text output for email notifications is in revers order (administrator)
- 0000539: [action] phrase parameter in search is ignored (administrator)
- 0000538: [administration] setting error for autosubscribe (administrator)
10 issues View Issues
Released 2019-10-12
Bug fix release for 5.5.x series, PHP 7.4 compatibility
- 0000530: [core] ensure_tls() sends relative URL in endless loop (administrator)
- 0000532: [installer] mod_rewrite for config_defaults gets not detected if apache_get_modules is not available (administrator)
- 0000531: [action] action randompage fails to redirect to random pages if page gets cached (administrator)
- 0000529: [core] ensure page via redirect for invalid namespace (administrator)
- 0000528: [text formatting] set anchor ID via page_id (administrator)
- 0000520: [action] 'wanted' action is broken (administrator)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2019-09-12
- 0000527: [action] do not allow a page to redirect to itself (administrator)
- 0000526: [action] improved context preview for searched terms (administrator)
- 0000525: [handler] loading revisions in a -> b order (administrator)
- 0000524: [formatter] allow width parameter for SVG files (administrator)
- 0000523: [core] set CHMOD values for file and directory creation via constant (administrator)
- 0000522: [page rights] page owner access is broken (administrator)
- 0000521: [page rights] show access mode in edit handler (administrator)
- 0000519: [administration] Username with upper and lower case letters (administrator)
- 0000518: [installer] does not change the name of the wiki when installing (administrator)
- 0000516: [installer] mistranslated word (administrator)
10 issues View Issues
Released 2019-08-15
Bug fix release for 5.5.x series, PHP 7.3 compatibility, fixes broken IRI link encoding
- 0000517: [text formatting] toc include bug while building body_toc in paragrafica (administrator)
- 0000441: [formatter] url encode behaving differently (administrator)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2019-05-15
- 0000536: [appearance] show only public available items in default_menu (administrator)
- 0000535: [customization] add option to disable permalinks (administrator)
- 0000534: [action] randomimage action (administrator)
- 0000533: [administration] check for abandoned files, files with no reference left in the file table (administrator)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2019-03-15
- 0000512: [formatter] add audio and video support for media links (administrator)
- 0000513: [handler] track internal links also for comments (administrator)
- 0000375: [formatter] paragrafica sets p tag before notypo -> div OR pre (administrator)
- 0000320: [cache] page cache should also depend on language (administrator)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2019-02-14
- 0000067: [formatter] actions and links were not processed dynamically inside %%(wacko) %% formatter
- 0000515: [formatter] add support for media parameters (administrator)
- 0000514: [formatter] add audio and video tag support for media files (administrator)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2019-01-14
Bug fix release for 5.5.x series, PHP 7.3 compatibility
- 0000511: [code cleanup] Replace underscore with hyphen in CSS class an ID names (administrator)
- 0000510: [security] add 'SameSite' cookie attribute (administrator)
- 0000509: [core] remove obsolete 'tls_proxy' option (administrator)
- 0000508: [installer] Installer fails with all available languages selected (administrator)
- 0000505: [core] Wacko crashes with installed php-gmp (administrator)
- 0000506: [installer] Installer fails with French as default language (administrator)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2018-08-02
Bug fix release for 5.5.x series, added templates for most actions and handlers
- 0000503: [handler] do not pass revision body with POST to edit handler (administrator)
- 0000502: [renaming] do not set a redirect if supertag remains unchanged (administrator)
- 0000501: [template] add templates for actions and handlers (administrator)
- 0000500: [session] add option to store session data in database (administrator)
- 0000499: [handler] Validate ACL rules (administrator)
- 0000498: [email] Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::errorMessage() (administrator)
- 0000497: [installer] Optimized revision table UPDATE query for upgrade from 5.4.x (administrator)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2018-02-20
Bug fix release for 5.5.x series
- 0000496: [performance] track breadcrumbs for preload functions (administrator)
- 0000495: [cache] Do not cache pages showing messages (administrator)
- 0000494: [core] Remove all deprecated assert('string') calls (administrator)
- 0000493: [action] included page issues a redirect (administrator)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2018-02-07
Bug fix release for 5.5.x series, PHP 7.2 compatibility
- 0000492: [core] File count for user is broken (administrator)
- 0000491: [core] Replace deprecated create_function() (administrator)
- 0000485: [email] notification does not take subscribers language into account (administrator)
- 0000486: [email] make diff mode for notification accessible via config (administrator)
- 0000484: [formatter] X11 Color Names won't work (administrator)
- 0000477: [appearance] show page link in handler menu redirects falsely to root page (administrator)
- 0000474: [handler] redirect to page after deleting comment is broken (administrator)
- 0000473: [handler] comment edit and delete option is missing (administrator)
- 0000476: [action] tree action does not show entire site (administrator)
- 0000475: [action] changes action does not show new pages (administrator)
- 0000471: [character set] Source Diff encoding error (administrator)
- 0000472: [appearance] shows home page twice in bread crumbs (administrator)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2018-01-20
Bug fix release for 5.5.x series
- 0000470: [installer] mysqli connection uses the wrong encoding (administrator)
- 0000469: [security] add Referrer-Policy HTTP header (administrator)
- 0000468: [installer] Categories are not displayed after upgrade (administrator)
- 0000464: [action] Action hits does not work (administrator)
- 0000462: [administration] AP with mode_rewrite OFF broken (administrator)
- 0000461: [security] Captcha with mode_rewrite OFF broken (administrator)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2017-12-22
Maintenance release, PHP 7.1 compatibility
- 0000487: [performance] add functions to preload asociated datasets in obj-cache (administrator)
- 0000490: [performance] add field 'files' and 'revisions' to page table (administrator)
- 0000479: [code cleanup] remove 'meta_description' and 'meta_keywords' from config (administrator)
- 0000488: [handler] add paging to revisions handler (administrator)
- 0000480: [code cleanup] removed "/" character from HTML5 void elements (administrator)
- 0000478: [action] wrong counting for changed pages (administrator)
- 0000463: [installer] installer writes falsely hash of system_seed in config file (administrator)
- 0000459: [core] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings (administrator)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2017-08-25
WackoWiki 5.5.0 is a security update for the stable 5.x branch. PHP 7.0 compatibility.
All installations that are currently running any 5.x version are strongly advised to upgrade to this release.
All installations that are currently running any 5.x version are strongly advised to upgrade to this release.
- 0000108: [action] redirect to personal page / page visited before login (administrator)
- 0000466: [core] Template engine (RideSnowNow)
- 0000371: [security] Random generation of table and cookie prefix before install (RideSnowNow)
- 0000483: [handler] add attachments handler (administrator)
- 0000481: [handler] add filemeta handler (administrator)
- 0000482: [handler] add category assignments for attachments (administrator)
- 0000447: [administration] Admin Panel sets mode_rewrite always on (administrator)
- 0000465: [core] URI router (RideSnowNow)
- 0000467: [core] Session Handler (RideSnowNow)
- 0000395: [core] anti CSRF sectoken implementation (RideSnowNow)
- 0000009: [wikiedit] Help button leads only to English manual (administrator)
- 0000190: [wikiedit] Localize messages in WikiEdit (administrator)
- 0000299: [handler] Add a link to switch directly between full and simple Diff (administrator)
- 0000305: [installer] add option to install only a subset of languages (default pages) (administrator)
- 0000105: [administration] Public registration moderation by admin (administrator)
- 0000361: [email] disable email notifications for minor changes (administrator)
- 0000369: [cache] Improve caching system to pass more of Google Page Speed tests (RideSnowNow)
- 0000370: [appearance] add new tabs function (RideSnowNow)
- 0000385: [installer] installer should show sql error when upgrading (administrator)
- 0000393: [appearance] Use reverse hierarchy order in titles (administrator)
- 0000399: [installer] Installation Severely Broken on IIS 7.5 (administrator)
- 0000174: [appearance] System message (administrator)
- 0000431: [formatter] replace <a name="[p|h]1249-1"> (administrator)
- 0000432: [database] database: add missing default values (administrator)
- 0000434: [formatter] Cyrillic letter encoding issue. (administrator)
- 0000440: [core] wrap status messages with div class="hint|success|warning" (administrator)
- 0000443: [administration] Rewriting causes Admin Panel to be non accessible (
user64) - 0000188: [security] Enhanced Spam filtering (Elar9000)
- 0000444: [administration] AdminPanel -> Broken Groups management (administrator)
- 0000448: [handler] broken redirect after editing a page comment (administrator)
- 0000449: [database] convert tables from myisam to innodb engine (administrator)
- 0000450: [security] don't send details such as username in the cookie (administrator)
- 0000451: [administration] syslog filter with paging do not work properly (administrator)
- 0000452: [action] allow and parse missing heading levels (administrator)
- 0000455: [security] add configuration options for Security Headers (administrator)
- 0000456: [formatter] remove double nested pre tag if highlighter class is used (administrator)
- 0000457: [cache] Random headers in wiki's HTTP responses (administrator)
- 0000458: [security] Check whether opendir() was successful (administrator)
38 issues View Issues
Released 2014-04-17
PHP 5.5 compatibility
- 0000422: [unicode] patch for htmlspecialchars(), htmlentities(), html_entity_decode() (administrator)
- 0000405: [action] toc action does not recognize include page structure (Elar9000)
- 0000400: [handler] prevent subpages on comments (administrator)
- 0000446: [action] E-mail verification broken with mod_rewrite off and multilanguage off (administrator)
- 0000445: [action] Password Recovery Not Working (administrator)
- 0000430: [cache] cache patch (administrator)
- 0000421: [action] Flash action did not pass flashvars parameters (Tann San)
- 0000425: [administration] admin panel database restore problem with PDO (administrator)
- 0000427: [formatter] patch to wrap lines in emails (administrator)
- 0000438: [database] remove depreciated MySQL API support (administrator)
- 0000437: [installer] add option to chose db charset via installer (administrator)
- 0000426: [code cleanup] small patch of write/read database tables structure (administrator)
- 0000436: [core] Replace preg_replace() e modifier with preg_replace_callback (administrator)
- 0000259: [installer] incorrect CSS Path in installer with mode_rewrite (administrator)
- 0000309: [action] generate toc as a list (administrator)
15 issues View Issues
Released 2012-04-22
Stable release.
All installations that are currently running any 4.3.x version are advised to upgrade to this release.
All installations that are currently running any 4.3.x version are advised to upgrade to this release.
- 0000362: [action] hide minor edits in "Recent Changes" page (administrator)
- 0000454: [security] Add initial support for Security Headers (administrator)
- 0000411: [handler] Soft 404 With DoesNotExists (administrator)
- 0000107: [action] action to show external links (administrator)
- 0000439: [handler] editing file description of attached files (administrator)
- 0000413: [installer] Upgrade from R5.beta fails due version missmatch (administrator)
- 0000401: [handler] Infinite redirect loop (administrator)
- 0000090: [appearance] Per Page / Cluster Themes (administrator)
- 0000039: [administration] Manage user accounts online (administrator)
- 0000412: [page rights] set correct permissions for comments (administrator)
- 0000408: [installer] empty table name prefix allowed but is not working (administrator)
- 0000042: [appearance] New default theme (administrator)
- 0000404: [handler] not recognized inner referrers (administrator)
- 0000406: [search] Error with "Search in titles only" check on
14 issues View Issues