WackoWiki - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2022-09-15
- 0000331: [formatter] make link work with file: syntax e.g. ((/Doc file:/wacko_logo.png))
- 0000006: [appearance] possibility to inherit language for nested pages in a cluster
- 0000023: [page rights] Page owned by a group
- 0000193: [wikiedit] Help location customization ability
- 0000374: [formatter] add list style type for lower-greek
- 0000302: [database] add function lastInsertId for last_insert_id() (Tann San)
- 0000030: [action] showing referrers also for cluster
- 0000296: [bug tracker] Guests should be able to choose their preferred GUI language. (administrator)
- 0000047: [editing] Warn when page is being edited
- 0000329: [formatter] Better support for SQL comments in SQL highlighter
- 0000364: [administration] Default error 403 and 404 pages should be customisable as any other Wiki-pages
- 0000365: [customization] Should store TITLE, META DESCRIPTION and KEYWORDS in history and show their changes in /revisions and /diff
- 0000142: [editing] Manually set dates for pages
- 0000163: [localization] database language system
- 0000170: [handler] mass_watch
- 0000195: [formatter] Some markup combinations with ?? doesn't work
- 0000239: [handler] merge referrers and referrers_sites handler
- 0000244: [cache] autodelete of old cache / overwrite old cache if a given quota is reached
- 0000286: [formatter] "laquo" => 1 and "quotes" => 1, causes in some cases the Formatter to fail
- 0000145: [handler] possibility to rename attached files and editing file description
- 0000298: [project site] File on project site containing infos for available updates / upgrades
- 0000150: [core] Internal relative paths ../../../
- 0000022: [regular expressions] Link regexp failed when many punctuation marks at the end are found
- 0000324: [page rights] Disadvantages of ACL in WackoWiki
- 0000082: [action] Contact Form Action
- 0000396: [formatter] forced linebreak disables formatting of headings
- 0000027: [interwiki] Custom Inter Wiki Map for Wacko Wiki
- 0000312: [handler] Merge remove and purge handler (administrator)
- 0000316: [core] Minimize wacko class (administrator)
- 0000337: [action] add config option for the feed action to protect from misuse (administrator)
- 0000358: [database] Automatic title generator should not only split tag by spaces but should also make it look like sentence (Elar9000)
- 0000373: [action] sort tree and other action results by different criteria (administrator)
- 0000378: [installer] installer: add option / step to create database (administrator)
- 0000390: [search] Exclude selected pages from wacko search (Elar9000)
- 0000391: [formatter] Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 240 seconds exceeded (administrator)
- 0000173: [search] Extended Search (administrator)
- 0000453: [formatter] quote breaks after url (administrator)
- 0000234: [documentation] Include Basic Documentation in the package (administrator)
- 0000192: [appearance] Page revision Diff/Cancel button placement does not follow user's habits (administrator)
- 0000336: [localization]
Have a base language file that the localisation ones can overwrite(administrator) - 0000570: [session]
Wackowiki site install does not correctly handle session when logged-in user clicks the "Forum" tab(administrator) - 0000568: [action]
Unable to logout or go to account settings(administrator) - 0000569: [localization]
Offer user an option to modify the date format throughout the wiki(administrator) - 0000341: [core]
date and time formats dependent on user language(administrator) - 0000562: [action]
page call not detecting authenticated session(administrator) - 0000557: [administration]
/admin.php?mode=system_info does not indicate presence of TLS connection(administrator) - 0000567: [search]
'Search in title only' selection should be remembered across search pages(brianko) - 0000556: [action]
Purging a page causes HTTP 500 - 0000564: [cache]
Remove deprecated usage of Pragma: no-cache header(administrator) - 0000563: [authentication]
Change $cf_cookie_samesite default to 'Lax'(administrator) - 0000141: [xml]
Export doesn't work without write privilege. Fix attached.(administrator)
12 of 51 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2022-11-28
Future feature release
- 0000013: [security] LDAP or authentification plugins
- 0000131: [editing] Configure text editor toolbar through web interface
- 0000071: [wikiedit] Misplaced shortcuts preventing typing of certain characters
- 0000048: [editing] Display diff on edit collision
- 0000004: [wikiedit] Striking out big block of text shall not strikeout lines already striked out.
- 0000187: [editing] Page Content Templates
- 0000268: [wikiedit] add color picker on the text editor tool bar
- 0000263: [wikiedit] undo & redo
- 0000120: [renaming] show renaming (old - new) link in Recent Changes
- 0000402: [appearance] make Wackowiki mobile friendly
- 0000409: [wikiedit] in some keyboard layouts entering @ is not possible.
- 0000304: [cache] PageViewCache
- 0000050: [editing] Add threaded comments
- 0000352: [core] Wacko-powered forum
- 0000083: [core] Use SQL Prepared Statements
- 0000565: [core] Child pages can be created before parent pages (and do not correctly populate with a parent_id in this scenario) (brianko)
- 0000011: [localization] Wish: page translation support (administrator)
0 of 17 issue(s) resolved View Issues