Action: imageslider
Compatible with: R6.1 Current version: 0.9 Credits: WikiAdmin |
Repo: action/imageslider.php
CSS image slider
<?php if (!defined('IN_WACKO')) { exit; } /* images as slider The sole condition is that all the images must be exactly the same size. version: 0.9 */ $info = <<<EOD Description: Showing images as slider for uploaded files. Usage: {{imageslider}} Options: [page="PageName" or global=1] [order="time|name_desc|size|size_desc|ext"] [owner="UserName"] [media=1] [max=number] EOD; // set defaults $global ??= 0; $help ??= 0; $max ??= null; $media ??= 1; $order ??= ''; $owner ??= ''; $page ??= ''; $track ??= 0; if ($help) { $tpl->help = $this->help($info, 'imageslider'); return; } if ($max) { $limit = $max; } else { $limit = 50; } $order_by = match($order) { 'ext' => 'file_ext ASC', 'name_desc' => 'file_name DESC', 'size' => 'file_size ASC', 'size_desc' => 'file_size DESC', 'time' => 'created ASC', 'time_desc' => 'created DESC', default => 'file_name ASC', }; $width_settings = '100%'; // 100%, 300px, etc. $files = []; $page_id = null; // default options for slider $time_on_slide = 6; $time_between_slides = 1; $animation_timing = 'ease'; $slidy_direction = 'left'; $css_animation_name = 'slidy'; // options: data-caption, alt, none $caption_source = 'data-caption'; $caption_background = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'; $caption_color = '#fff'; $caption_font = 'Avenir, Avenir Next, Droid Sans, DroidSansRegular, Corbel, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif'; // options: top, bottom $caption_position = 'bottom'; // options: slide, perm, fade $caption_appear = 'slide'; $caption_size = '1.6rem'; // same units $caption_padding = '.6rem'; if (!$global) { if ($page == '') { $tag = $this->tag; $page_id = $this->page['page_id']; } else { $tag = $this->unwrap_link($page); if ($_page_id = $this->get_page_id($tag)) { $page_id = $_page_id; } } $can_view = $this->has_access('read', $page_id) || $this->is_admin() || $this->is_owner($page_id); } else { $can_view = true; $tag = $this->tag; } if ($can_view) { if ($global || ($tag == $this->tag)) { $filepage = $this->page; } else { $filepage = $this->load_page($tag, 0, null, LOAD_CACHE, LOAD_META); } if (!$global && !isset($filepage['page_id'])) { return; } $selector = "FROM " . $this->prefix . "file f " . "INNER JOIN " . $this->prefix . "user u ON (f.user_id = u.user_id) " . "WHERE f.page_id = " . ($global ? 0 : (int) $filepage['page_id']) . " " . "AND f.picture_w <> 0 " . ($owner ? "AND u.user_name = " . $this->db->q($owner) . " " : '') . "AND f.deleted <> 1 "; $count = $this->db->load_single( "SELECT COUNT(f.file_id) AS n " . $selector, true); $pagination = $this->pagination($count['n'], $limit, 'f'); // load files list $files = $this->db->load_all( "SELECT f.file_id, f.page_id, f.user_id, f.file_size, f.picture_w, f.picture_h, f.file_ext, f.file_lang, f.file_name, f.file_description, f.created, u.user_name AS user " . $selector . "ORDER BY f." . $order_by . " " . "LIMIT {$pagination['offset']}, {$limit}", true); // display if (!$global) { $path2 = 'file:/' . $tag . '/'; } else { $path2 = 'file:/'; } if ($factor = count($files)) { // calculate data for image slider CSS // count the number of images in the slide, including the new cloned element $img_count = $factor + 1; // calculate the total length of the animation by multiplying the number of _actual_ images by the amount of time for both static display of each image and motion between them $total_time = ($time_on_slide + $time_between_slides) * ($img_count - 1); // determine the percentage of time an individual image is held static during the animation $slide_ratio = ($time_on_slide / $total_time) * 100; // determine the percentage of time for an individual movement $move_ratio = ($time_between_slides / $total_time) * 100; // work out how wide each image should be in the slidy, as a percentage. $base_percentage = 100 / $img_count; // set the initial position of the slidy element $position = 0; $img_width = $img_count * 100; $slidy = ''; if ($slidy_direction == 'right') { $slidy .= "0% \t{ left: -" . (($img_count - 1) * 100) . "%; }\n"; for ($i = $img_count - 1; $i > 0; $i--) { $position += $slide_ratio; // make the keyframe the position of the image $slidy .= "\t\t" . $position . "% \t{ left: -" . ($i * 100) . "%; }\n"; $position += $move_ratio; // make the postion for the _next_ slide $slidy .= "\t\t" . $position . "% \t{ left: -" . (($i - 1) * 100) . "%; }\n"; } } else { $slidy .= "0% \t{ left: 0%; }\n"; // the slider is moving to the left for ($i = 0; $i < ($img_count - 1); $i++) { $position += $slide_ratio; // make the keyframe the position of the image $slidy .= "\t\t" . $position . "% \t{ left: -" . ($i * 100) . "%; }\n"; $position += $move_ratio; // make the postion for the _next_ slide $slidy .= "\t\t" . $position . "% \t{ left: -" . (($i + 1) * 100) . "%; }\n"; } } $tpl->css = <<<EOD <style> div#captioned-gallery { width: 100%; overflow: hidden; } figure { margin: 0; } figure.slider { position: relative; width: {$img_width}%; font-size: 0; animation: {$total_time}s {$animation_timing} slidy infinite; } figure.slider:hover { /* animation: animation 1s 16 ease; */ animation-play-state: paused; } figure.slider figure { width: {$base_percentage}%; height: auto; display: inline-block; position: inherit; } figure.slider img { width: {$width_settings}; height: auto; } figure.slider figure figcaption { position: absolute; bottom: 0; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.3); color: #fff; width: 100%; font-size: 1rem; padding: .6rem; } div#slider figure { position: relative; width: {$img_width}%; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 0; left: 0; text-align: left; animation: {$total_time}s {$animation_timing} slidy infinite; } @media screen and (max-width: 500px) { figure.slider figure figcaption { font-size: 1.2rem; } } /* figure.slider figure figcaption { position: absolute; bottom: -3.5rem; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.3); color: #fff; width: 100%; font-size: 2rem; padding: .6rem; transition: .5s bottom; } figure.slider figure:hover figcaption { bottom: 0; } figure.slider figure:hover + figure figcaption { bottom: 0; } */ @keyframes slidy { {$slidy} } </style> EOD; // adding at the end a clone of the first array for transition loop $files[] = $files[0]; $n = 0; $tpl->enter('n_'); foreach($files as $file) { if ($file['picture_h']) // missing: svg! { $n++; $this->file_cache[$file['page_id']][$file['file_name']] = $file; $desc = $this->format($file['file_description'], 'typografica', ['lang' => $file['file_lang']]); if ($desc == '') { $desc = NBSP; // No-Break Space } $file_name = $file['file_name']; $text = $media ? '' : $file_name; $tpl->image = $this->link($path2 . $file_name, '', $text, '', $track); $tpl->n = $n; $tpl->count = $count['n']; $tpl->desc = $desc; } } $tpl->leave(); // n } else { $tpl->nofile = $this->_t('FileNotFound'); } unset($files); } else { $tpl->noaccess = true; }
[ === main === ] [ ' help ' ] [ ' css ' ][ ' nofile ' ] <div id="captioned-gallery"> <figure class="slider"> [= n _ = <figure> [ ' image ' ] <figcaption>[ ' n ' ]/[ ' count ' ] [ ' desc ' ]</figcaption> </figure> =] </figure> </div> [= noaccess _ = [ ' _t: ActionDenied ' ] =]
1. Documentation
The sole condition is that all the images must be exactly the same size.
2. How to
%%(wacko wrapper=page wrapper_width=600)
2.1. local usage of repository
symlink the gallery action from community action folder in wacko/action and wacko/action/template folder in repo
ln -s ../../community/action/imageslider.php imageslider.php
ln -s ../../../community/action/template/imageslider.tpl imageslider.tpl
3. Changelog
0.1 Initial version
0.7 Updated to work with R.6.1 (PHP 8.0, Null coalescing assignment operator)
0.8 added order="name_desc"
and changed time field names
0.9 added template
4. To Do
- make parameters like direction, size, time and caption accessible for action
- modify the action for your purpose
Referring pages:
Mutiple images on website
Arguments for image location
When you use the action without additional parameters, it takes the files attached to the page. To select files attached to another page, you have to use
. The SQL query executes the specified arguments against the metadata in the file table. This allows you to add more arguments to filter the results, such as categories or even the filenames, by customizing the action.The easiest way is to attach only the images you wanna use to the page or a subpage.
Your unoffical beta tester
symlink imageslider.php from community action folder in wacko/action folder in repo
ln -s ../../community/action/imageslider.php imageslider.php
I am running on windows 7 with xampp setup
Re: Symlinks or Symbolic Links
ln -s ../../community/action/imageslider.php imageslider.php
This info is there only for convenience, if you want to use the action in your development environment as is within the repository.
Under Windows you can use
mklink Link Target
to create symbolic links using command prompt as administrator.Just copy the
action to yourwacko/action/
folder.The community folder is for code we maintain along with the code base, but is not (yet) part of the distribution.
Do you already know our official beta tester?
Thank you
And I did upload 5 images of the same size to the same page that image slider would be running from
%%(wacko wrapper=page wrapper_width=600)
And I get nada on image slider
Did you attach the images to the page?
OK got it working now just one issue
When I upload the image gets associated Attached to: global instead of Attached to: WOTYpeida my first image file did attach to WOTYpedia but I cannot get other ones to.
Would be nice if you could just edit the field when looking at the image properties.
Answered my own question
Just putting this here for the next person that has the same question!
Re: Would be nice if you could just edit the field when looking at the image properties.