WackoWiki: Actions

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 118 (03/14/2024 14:44)


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Non-mandatory options and parameters are enclosed in [square brackets].
When using the actions please remove the square [ ] brackets from the parameters to make it work.
Numerical values are given without and strings with quotation marks, max=10 and page="PageName".

To display all available parameters of an action, use help=1.

1. Lists of the pages

1.1. backlinks

1.2. changes

1.3. commented


1.5. mostpopular

1.6. orphaned

1.7. pageindex

1.8. tree

1.9. wanted

1.10. whatsnew

2. Personal actions

2.1. menu

2.2. mychanges

2.3. mypages

2.4. mywatches

2.5. mychangeswatches

2.6. watchers

3. Service actions

3.1. changepassword

3.2. login

3.3. registration

3.4. usersettings

4. Admin tools

4.1. admincache

4.2. admin_recovery

4.3. admin_replace

4.4. import

5. Forum

These actions work only within the defined forum cluster.

5.1. forums

5.2. topics

6. Blog

6.1. blog

6.2. news

7. Other

7.1. anchor

7.2. authors

7.3. calendar

7.4. categories

7.5. category

7.6. comment

7.7. edit

7.8. embed

7.9. feed

7.10. files

7.11. gallery

7.12. hashid

7.13. hits

7.14. include

7.15. interwikilists

7.16. lastedited

7.17. navigation

7.18. pagebreak

7.19. paragraphs

7.20. randomimage

7.21. randompage

7.22. randomphrase

7.23. redirect

7.24. search

7.25. tagcloud

7.26. toc

7.27. upload

7.28. usergroups

7.29. users