WackoWiki: A Quick Start Guide

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A Quick Start Guide

Also available in Deutsch[link1].

Tutorial - A quick start guide for users new to WackoWiki

A wiki is a website that can be built quickly. Anyone can edit new and existing pages. The database contains information about all changes made to pages by all wiki users. Earlier versions of a page can be restored if necessary.

Wiki defining features:

See also:

Without login you can do: read default pages and follow system bookmark links: Changes - Comments - Index. You can also view wiki source - print - show referrers. While hovering over and klicking links you see changes in the status line of the browser and/or in the URL input field.

When logged in, you additionally can do:

pages: read and write existing pages and linking, add content and format it, use actions[link6], register new users
page handler: work with any page: - revisions - create - clone - delete - rename - moderate - permissions - categories - watch - attachments - filemeta
general page properties: edit general properties of pages: - title - keywords - description - language
extended page properties: allow: comments - files - rating - HTML features
administration: configure access to AdminPanel[link7] - tailor wiki to your needs and refactor it

The default configuration can be changed for the site, on a per page and/or per user basis.

1. Login

1. At the top right corner click "Login".

WackoWiki R55: Tutorial Quick Start Guide
2. type in your UserName
3. type in your password
4. click "Login"

Done. You have logged in to your wiki.

WackoWiki R55: Tutorial

2. Add page

Before adding a page you might have to log in to your WackoWiki website.

1. Click "Create" under submenu "more" WackoWiki R55: Tutorial Create Page
2. Choose name of your page
3. Click "Create"

WackoWiki R55: Tutorial Create Page
Basic Concept: WackoWiki Cluster[link8]

4. choose title
5. start writing content into your page
6. save, that's it.
WackoWiki R55: Tutorial Create New Page
You have created your new page. See also: other ways to add new pages[link9].

3. Edit page

1. Click on pencil in top menu (page handler) WackoWiki R5.5: Tuorial
If JavaScript is enabled you just double click on any page to edit it.

4. Add comment

If commenting a page is allowed:
1. At the bottom of a page click "Add your comment" or "Read Comments" if this page has already been commented

WackoWiki R5.5: Tuorial
2. choose a title for your comment
3. add your comment
4. click preview or save.

Done. You have commented a page. Also look at /RecentlyCommented[link10] Wiki Page.

WackoWiki Comments

5. Upload file

If upload is allowed
1. At the bottom of a page click "Attach Files" or "Files" (if there are already uploaded files to this page)
WackoWiki R5.5 Tutorial Upload
2. browse your file directory and choose file for global upload or upload to page
3. choose a description for your file
4. click "Proceed".
Done. You have uploaded a file! See also: /Doc/English/Actions/UploadFiles[link11]

actions: files, upload
handler: upload, file, attachments, filemeta

6. Formatting

1. Preview WackoWiki R6.1 Edit Preview

7. Refactoring

8. Set Permissions

1. Click "Permissions" under submenu "more" WackoWiki R5.5 Tutorial Page Permissions

9. Compare Revisions

1. Show page revisions and choose the versions you want compare with each other.
2. Select a diff mode and click compare.
compare page revisions
3. Shows the diff set in the side by side mode.
show side by side diff between revisions
4. Shows the same diff set in the inline mode.
show inline diff between revisions

10. Administration

10.1. Appearance

1. Add a site logo.
2. Add a site favicon
3. Select a layout for your site..
appearance settings module

10.2. Registration

If registration is allowed (off by default):
1. At the top of a page click "Registration"

WackoWiki R55: Tutorial Registration
2. choose a user name
3. choose a secure password and type in your password twice
4. enter a valid e-mail address (e.g. to get updates on watched pages)
5. type in word you see above
6. click "Register me"

Done. You have registered a new user.

WackoWiki R55: Tutorial Registration
As administrator you can add new users via the Admin panel. adding a new user via the admin panel