Community / Forum / Git / Sourceforge activity level

A couple of days ago I started exploring WackoWiki.
For the moment I have got nothing to complain about.
In GitHub it feels like a one man show with a few friends.
In SouceForge it has been around for at least 5 years.

Now I'm a little curious about the future / vision of this project / product.
What motivates you to do what you are doing?

Some of the php based wiki competitors ceased engineering.
Is the WackoWiki team also sometimes thinking about shutting down?


  1. Re: Community / Forum / Git / Sourceforge activity level

    Monkey Work - If no one does the chores ...

    The community is almost 20 years old and some users update their wikis only every 10 years, the bigger the institution the bigger the wiki ...
    Our aim is to do what we can, what seems insignificant now, may matter over a long period. Those who maintain the project are not necessarily the ones who rewrite large portions of the code.

    For the projects history read the Change Log.
    • WikiAdmin
    • 05/21/2022 06:08 edited
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