UTF-8-Konvertierung der Datenbank

Auch verfügbar in English und Русский


  • Konvertierung aller Quelltexte und Daten in einem einzigen Schritt
  • benötigte Unterbrechung
  • Probeläufe erforderlich

1. Schritte

1.1. Vor der Aktualisierung

database UTF-8 conversion script

  1. Konvertiere alle Tabellen von MyISAM nach InnoDB, falls bereits MyISAM-Tabellen bestehen.
    • Admin Panel -> Database -> Convert
  2. Erstelle ein Backup deines bestehenden Wikis (Datenbank & Dateien)
  3. Erstelle eine lokale Installation (oder Remote - vermeide Zeitüberschreitungen und Skriptabbrüche).
  4. Einlesen der Datensicherung -> 5.5.17 (ca. 15 Minuten)
  5. Führe das Konvertierungsskript als Admin aus (-> siehe Aktion {{admin_utf8}} weiter unten)
    1. Ändert die Tabelle file, page, page_link und revision so, dass sie ohne Schlüsselpräfixe funktioniert, die länger als 767 Byte sind (optional).
      • MySQL-Versionen vor 5.7.7 oder MariaDB 10.2.2 unterstützen standardmäßig keine Indexschlüsselpräfixe bis zu 3072 Byte.
      • Wenn die Möglichkeit besteht, die Datenbank zu aktualisieren, um die Anforderungen für den großen Schlüsselpräfix zu erfüllen, empfiehlt es sich, dies zu tun.
    2. Konvertiert die Datenbank und Tabellen nach utf8mb4.
    3. Konvertiert alle Zeichensatz-übergreifenden Datensätze. (z.B. Griechisch gespeichert als Latin1)
      • Dies ist nur notwendig, wenn das Wiki im mehrsprachigen Modus betrieben wurde und Seiten mit einem anderen Zeichensatz erstellt wurden.
  6. ÜBERPRÜFE über phpMyAdmin oder Adminer alle relevanten Spalten, ob die Konvertierung erfolgreich war, bevor es weiter geht!
    • z.B. könnten die Skripte die Spalte body aufgrund von Zeitüberschreitung oder Skriptabbruch nicht konvertiert haben.

1.2. Aktualisierung auf R6.0

WackoWiki R6.1 Upgrade: Spracheinstellungen
  1. Wechsel den Zweig des Repositories von 5.5 auf 6.0 (behalte! config.php) ODER entferne die alte Version und ersetze sie durch R6.0.x
  2. Lösche alle Daten im _cache/ Ordner
  3. Upgrade über den Installer auf 6.0.x

1.3. Nach der Aktualisierung

database UTF-8 conversion script

  1. Führe die Post-Upgrade-Konvertierungsskripte aus. {{admin_utf8}}
    1. Zurücksetzen der vergrößerten TEXT-Spalten auf TEXT oder MEDIUMTEXT
    2. Konvertierung von HTML-Entitäten in ihre entsprechenden Unicode-Zeichen
    3. Löschen der Spalte 'converted' aus den Tabellen.
  2. Entferne die Aktion admin_utf8.php wieder aus dem Ordner action/
  3. Synchronisiere die aktualisierten Daten über das Verwaltungspanel.

<-- zurück zu den Upgrade-Hinweisen für 6.0.x

2. Script

 ln -s ../../community/action/admin_utf8.php admin_utf8.php	



if (!defined('IN_WACKO'))

## WackoWiki UTF-8 Conversion Routines                    ##
 * status: stable
 * https://wackowiki.org/doc/Dev/Release/R6.0/Upgrade/DatabaseConversion
 * modify the script for your needs, please contribute your improvements
 * place the script under action/admin_utf8.php
 * call the action via {{admin_utf8}} as Administrator
 * 1. Pre-Upgrade Routines for R6.x
 *    1.0. Alter tables to work without key prefixes longer than 767 bytes
 *    1.1. Convert all tables based on charset to utf8mb4
 *    1.2. Convert all cross charset records
 * 2. Post-Upgrade Routines for R6.x
 *    2.1. Reset upsized TEXT columns back to TEXT or MEDIUMTEXT
 *    2.2. Convert HTML entities to their corresponding Unicode characters
 *    2.3. Remove column 'converted' from tables

/* TODO:
 * set progress in config
 * add check to analyzed the database prior to show the suggested actions
 * currently it uses only the Mysqli API to update the cross charset records

$prefix            = $this->db->table_prefix;
$charset        = 'utf8mb4';
$collation        = 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci';        // Unicode (UCA 5.2.0), case-insensitive, https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/charset-collation-names.html

// get MariaDB / MySQL version
$_db_version    = $this->db->load_single("SELECT version()");
$db_version        = $_db_version['version()'];
$large_prefix    = false;

echo '<h1>Unicode conversion utilities</h1>';

$info[] = ['WackoWiki version', $this->format('**!!(green)' . $this->db->wacko_version . '!!**', 'wacko')];
$info[] = ['MariaDB / MySQL version', $db_version];
$info[] = ['Database charset', $this->db->database_charset];
$info[] = ['Database collation', $this->db->database_collation];

echo '<table style="max-width:800px; border-spacing: 1px; border-collapse: separate; padding: 4px;" class="formation lined">' . "\n";

foreach ($info as $value)
    echo '<tr>' .
            '<td class="label"><strong>' . $value[0] . '</strong></td>' .
            '<td> </td>' .
            '<td>' . $value[1] . '</td>' . "\n";

echo '</table>' . "\n";

echo '<h2>1. Pre-Upgrade Routines for R6.x</h2>';

if ($this->is_admin())
    // MySQL versions prior to 5.7.7 or MariaDB 10.2.2 do not support index key prefixes up to 3072 bytes by default.
    $min_db_version = preg_match('/MariaDB/', $db_version, $matches)
        ? '10.2.2'
        : '5.7.7';

    if (version_compare($db_version, $min_db_version , '>='))
        $large_prefix = true;

    if (! $large_prefix)
        echo '<h3>1.0. Alter tables to work without key prefixes longer than 767 bytes:</h3>';

        if (!isset($_POST['set_large_prefix_tables']))
            echo $this->form_open('large_prefix');
            echo '<button type="submit" name="set_large_prefix_tables">' . $this->_t('UpdateButton') . '</button>';
            echo $this->form_close();
        else if (isset($_POST['set_large_prefix_tables']))
            $results =
                '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Alter tables started' . "\n" .
                '================================================</strong>' . "\n";

            $results .=
                '<strong>' . 'VARCHAR(191): ' . "\n" .
                'Tables:  file, page, page_link and revision:</strong>' . "\n\n";

                ALTER TABLE {$prefix}file
                    CHANGE file_name file_name VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';");

                ALTER TABLE {$prefix}page
                    CHANGE title title VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                    CHANGE tag tag VARCHAR(191) BINARY NOT NULL DEFAULT '';");

                ALTER TABLE {$prefix}page_link
                    CHANGE to_tag to_tag VARCHAR(191) BINARY NOT NULL DEFAULT '';");

                ALTER TABLE {$prefix}revision
                    CHANGE title title VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                    CHANGE tag tag VARCHAR(191) BINARY NOT NULL DEFAULT '';");

            $results .=
                '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Tables altered.' . "\n" .
                '================================================</strong>' . "\n";

                '<div class="code">' .
                    '<pre>' . $results . '</pre>' .

    ##    Convert charset for tables                          ##

    echo '<h3>1.1. Convert database and tables based on charset to ' . $charset . ':</h3>';

    if (!isset($_POST['set_charset_tables']))
        echo $this->form_open('charset_tables');
        echo '<button type="submit" name="set_charset_tables">' . $this->_t('UpdateButton') . '</button>';
        echo $this->form_close();
    else if (isset($_POST['set_charset_tables']))
        $tables = [

        $results =
            '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Table conversion started' . "\n" .
            '================================================</strong>' . "\n";

        $results .=
            '<strong>' . 'Charset: ' . $charset . "\n" .
            'Collation: ' . ' ' . $collation . ':</strong>' . "\n\n";

        // Database
        $this->db->sql_query("ALTER DATABASE {$this->db->database_database} CHARACTER SET = {$charset} COLLATE = '{$collation}';");

        // Tables
        foreach ($tables as $table)
            $this->db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE " . $prefix . $table . " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$charset} COLLATE {$collation};");
            $this->db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE " . $prefix . $table . " CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET {$charset} COLLATE {$collation};");
            // B: convert records in a different charset -> see next routine
            // C: HTML entities  -> see post upgrade routine
            // TODO: convert mojibake
            // TODO: deal with old supertag links

            $results .=
                "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . $table."\n" .
                "\t" . '------------------------------------------------</strong>' . "\n";

        $results .=
            '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Tables converted.' . "\n" .
            '================================================</strong>' . "\n";

            '<div class="code">' .
                '<pre>' . $results . '</pre>' .

    ##    Convert strings of cross charset records          ##

    if ($this->db->database_charset != 'utf8mb4')
        echo '<h3>1.2. Convert all cross charset records</h3>';

        if (!isset($_POST['set_charset_record']))
            echo $this->form_open('charset_records');
            echo '<button type="submit" name="set_charset_record">' . $this->_t('UpdateButton') . '</button>';
            echo $this->form_close();
        else if (isset($_POST['set_charset_record']))
            # set_time_limit(3600);

            // iso-8859-1 -> windows-1252
            $_charset    = [
                'bg'    => 'windows-1251',
                'da'    => 'windows-1252',
                'de'    => 'windows-1252',
                'el'    => 'iso-8859-7',
                'en'    => 'windows-1252',
                'es'    => 'windows-1252',
                'et'    => 'windows-1257',
                'fr'    => 'windows-1252',
                'hu'    => 'iso-8859-2',
                'it'    => 'windows-1252',
                'nl'    => 'windows-1252',
                'pl'    => 'iso-8859-2',
                'pt'    => 'windows-1252',
                'ru'    => 'windows-1251',

            // selects the subset of languages to convert according your 'database_charset'
            if ($this->db->database_charset == 'latin1')        // Latin1    (iso-8859-1)
                $_lang_set = "'bg', 'el', 'et', 'hu', 'pl', 'ru'";
            else if ($this->db->database_charset == 'latin2')    // Latin2    (iso-8859-2)
                $_lang_set = "'bg', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'et', 'fr', 'it', 'nl', 'pt', 'ru'";
            else if ($this->db->database_charset == 'cp1251')    // Kyrillic    (windows-1251)
                $_lang_set = "'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'et', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt'";
            else if ($this->db->database_charset == 'cp1257')    // Baltic    (windows-1257)
                $_lang_set = "'bg', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru'";
            else if ($this->db->database_charset == 'greek')    // Greek    (iso-8859-7)
                $_lang_set = "'bg', 'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'et', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru'";

            /* Tables: sets value 1 in converted record to avoid double conversion
             *        1 - utf8
             *        2 - HTML entities
             *        3 - mojibake
            $tables = [

            // add field 'converted'
            foreach ($tables as $table)
                $this->db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE " . $prefix . $table . " ADD converted TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';");

            // DATABASE utf8mb4 link
            $sql_modes    = !empty($this->db->sql_mode_strict) ? SQL_MODE_STRICT : SQL_MODE_PERMISSIVE;
            $dblink        = mysqli_connect($this->db->database_host, $this->db->database_user, $this->db->database_password, null, $this->db->database_port);

            mysqli_select_db($dblink, $this->db->database_database);
            mysqli_set_charset($dblink, $charset);
            mysqli_query($dblink, "SET SESSION sql_mode='$sql_modes'");


            $results =
                '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Tables record conversion started ' . "\n" .
                '================================================</strong>' . "\n";

            ## 1 .CATEGORIES ##

            if ($categories = $this->db->load_all(
                "SELECT category_id, category, category_description, category_lang " .
                "FROM {$prefix}category " .
                "WHERE " .
                    "category_lang IN (" . $_lang_set . ") " .
                    "AND converted <> 1 ")
                $total = 0;
                $results .=
                    "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'category' . "\n" .
                    "\t" . '------------------------------------------------</strong>' . "\n";

                foreach($categories as $category)
                    $category_name            = iconv($_charset[$category['category_lang']], 'UTF-8', $category['category']);
                    $category_description    = iconv($_charset[$category['category_lang']], 'UTF-8', $category['category_description']);

                    #echo $category_name . '<br>';

                    // update category
                        "UPDATE {$prefix}category SET " .
                            "category                = " . $this->db->q($category_name) . ", " .
                            "category_description    = " . $this->db->q($category_description) . ", " .
                            "converted                = 1 " .
                        "WHERE category_id = " . (int) $category['category_id'] . " " .
                        "LIMIT 1");

                    # echo mysqli_error($dblink) . '<br>';

                $results .= "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Records converted' . ': ' . $total . '</strong>' . "\n\n\n";

            ## 2. FILES ##

            if ($files = $this->db->load_all(
                "SELECT file_id, file_name, file_description, caption, file_lang " .
                "FROM {$prefix}file " .
                "WHERE " .
                    "file_lang IN (" . $_lang_set . ") " .
                    "AND converted <> 1 ")
                $total = 0;
                $results .=
                    "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'file' . "\n" .
                    "\t" . '------------------------------------------------</strong>' . "\n";

                foreach($files as $file)
                    $file_description    = iconv($_charset[$file['file_lang']], 'UTF-8', $file['file_description']);
                    $caption            = iconv($_charset[$file['file_lang']], 'UTF-8', $file['caption']);

                    # echo $file['file_name'] . '<br>';

                    // update file meta data
                        "UPDATE {$prefix}file SET " .
                            "file_description    = " . $this->db->q($file_description) . ", " .
                            "caption            = " . $this->db->q($caption) . ", " .
                            "converted            = 1 " .
                        "WHERE file_id = " . (int) $file['file_id'] . " " .
                        "LIMIT 1");

                    # echo mysqli_error($dblink) . '<br>';

                $results .= "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Records converted' . ': ' . $total . '</strong>' . "\n\n\n";

            ## 3. MENU ##

            if ($items = $this->db->load_all(
                "SELECT menu_id, menu_title, menu_lang " .
                "FROM {$prefix}menu " .
                "WHERE " .
                    "menu_lang IN (" . $_lang_set . ") " .
                    "AND converted <> 1 ")
                $total = 0;
                $results .=
                    "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'menu' . "\n" .
                    "\t" . '------------------------------------------------</strong>' . "\n";

                foreach($items as $item)
                    $menu_title    = iconv($_charset[$item['menu_lang']], 'UTF-8', $item['menu_title']);

                    # echo $menu_title . '<br>';

                    // update menu title
                        "UPDATE {$prefix}menu SET " .
                            "menu_title    = " . $this->db->q($menu_title) . ", " .
                            "converted            = 1 " .
                        "WHERE menu_id = " . (int) $item['menu_id'] . " " .
                        "LIMIT 1");

                    # echo mysqli_error($dblink) . '<br>';

                $results .= "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Records converted' . ': ' . $total . '</strong>' . "\n\n\n";

            ## 4. PAGES ##

            if ($pages = $this->db->load_all(
                "SELECT page_id, tag, title, body, edit_note, description, keywords, page_lang " .
                "FROM {$prefix}page " .
                "WHERE " .
                    "page_lang IN (" . $_lang_set . ") " .
                    "AND converted <> 1 ")
                $total = 0;
                $results .=
                    "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'page' . "\n" .
                    "\t" . '------------------------------------------------</strong>' . "\n";

                foreach($pages as $page)
                    $tag            = iconv($_charset[$page['page_lang']], 'UTF-8', $page['tag']);
                    $title            = iconv($_charset[$page['page_lang']], 'UTF-8', $page['title']);
                    $body            = iconv($_charset[$page['page_lang']], 'UTF-8', $page['body']);
                    $edit_note        = iconv($_charset[$page['page_lang']], 'UTF-8', $page['edit_note']);
                    $description    = iconv($_charset[$page['page_lang']], 'UTF-8', $page['description']);
                    $keywords        = iconv($_charset[$page['page_lang']], 'UTF-8', $page['keywords']);

                    # echo $tag . '<br>';

                    // update current page copy
                        "UPDATE {$prefix}page SET " .
                            "tag            = " . $this->db->q($tag) . ", " .
                            "title            = " . $this->db->q($title) . ", " .
                            "body            = " . $this->db->q($body) . ", " .
                            "edit_note        = " . $this->db->q($edit_note) . ", " .
                            "description    = " . $this->db->q($description) . ", " .
                            "keywords        = " . $this->db->q($keywords) . ", " .
                            "converted        = 1 " .
                        "WHERE page_id = " . (int) $page['page_id'] . " " .
                        "LIMIT 1");

                    # echo mysqli_error($dblink) . '<br>';

                $results .= "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Records converted' . ': ' . $total . '</strong>' . "\n\n\n";

            ## 5. REVISIONS ##

            if ($revisions = $this->db->load_all(
                "SELECT revision_id, tag, title, body, edit_note, description, keywords, page_lang " .
                "FROM {$prefix}revision " .
                "WHERE " .
                    "page_lang IN (" . $_lang_set . ") " .
                    "AND converted <> 1 ")
                $total = 0;
                $results .=
                    "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'revision' . "\n" .
                    "\t" . '------------------------------------------------</strong>' . "\n";

                foreach($revisions as $revision)
                    $tag            = iconv($_charset[$revision['page_lang']], 'UTF-8', $revision['tag']);
                    $title            = iconv($_charset[$revision['page_lang']], 'UTF-8', $revision['title']);
                    $body            = iconv($_charset[$revision['page_lang']], 'UTF-8', $revision['body']);
                    $edit_note        = iconv($_charset[$revision['page_lang']], 'UTF-8', $revision['edit_note']);
                    $description    = iconv($_charset[$revision['page_lang']], 'UTF-8', $revision['description']);
                    $keywords        = iconv($_charset[$revision['page_lang']], 'UTF-8', $revision['keywords']);

                    # echo $revision['revision_id'] . ': ' . $tag . '<br>';

                    // update revision
                        "UPDATE {$prefix}revision SET " .
                            "tag            = " . $this->db->q($tag) . ", " .
                            "title            = " . $this->db->q($title) . ", " .
                            "body            = " . $this->db->q($body) . ", " .
                            "edit_note        = " . $this->db->q($edit_note) . ", " .
                            "description    = " . $this->db->q($description) . ", " .
                            "keywords        = " . $this->db->q($keywords) . ", " .
                            "converted        = 1 " .
                        "WHERE revision_id = " . (int) $revision['revision_id'] . " " .
                        "LIMIT 1");

                    # echo mysqli_error($dblink) . '<br>';

                $results .= "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Records converted' . ': ' . $total . '</strong>' . "\n\n\n";

            ## 6. USERS ##

            if ($users = $this->db->load_all(
                "SELECT user_id, user_name, real_name, account_lang " .
                "FROM {$prefix}user " .
                "WHERE " .
                    "account_lang IN (" . $_lang_set . ") " .
                    "AND converted <> 1 ")
                $total = 0;
                $results .=
                    "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'user' . "\n" .
                    "\t" . '------------------------------------------------</strong>' . "\n";

                foreach($users as $user)
                    $user_name    = iconv($_charset[$user['account_lang']], 'UTF-8', $user['user_name']);
                    $real_name    = iconv($_charset[$user['account_lang']], 'UTF-8', $user['real_name']);

                    # echo $user_name . '<br>';

                    // update user
                        "UPDATE {$prefix}user SET " .
                            "user_name    = " . $this->db->q($user_name) . ", " .
                            "real_name    = " . $this->db->q($real_name) . ", " .
                            "converted    = 1 " .
                        "WHERE user_id = " . (int) $user['user_id'] . " " .
                        "LIMIT 1");

                    # echo mysqli_error($dblink) . '<br>';

                $results .= "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Records converted' . ': ' . $total . '</strong>' . "\n\n\n";

            ## 7. USERGROUPS ##

            if ($usergroups = $this->db->load_all(
                "SELECT group_id, group_name, description, group_lang " .
                "FROM {$prefix}usergroup " .
                "WHERE " .
                    "group_lang IN (" . $_lang_set . ") " .
                    "AND converted <> 1 ")
                $total = 0;
                $results .=
                    "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'usergroup' . "\n" .
                    "\t" . '------------------------------------------------</strong>' . "\n";

                foreach($usergroups as $group)
                    $group_name        = iconv($_charset[$group['group_lang']], 'UTF-8', $group['group_name']);
                    $description    = iconv($_charset[$group['group_lang']], 'UTF-8', $group['description']);

                    # echo $group_name . '<br>';

                    // update user group
                        "UPDATE {$prefix}usergroup SET " .
                            "group_name        = " . $this->db->q($group_name) . ", " .
                            "description    = " . $this->db->q($description) . ", " .
                            "converted        = 1 " .
                        "WHERE group_id = " . (int) $group['group_id'] . " " .
                        "LIMIT 1");

                    # echo mysqli_error($dblink) . '<br>';

                $results .= "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Records converted' . ': ' . $total . '</strong>' . "\n\n\n";

            $results .=
                '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Tables records converted.' . "\n" .
                '================================================</strong>' . "\n";

                '<div class="code">' .
                    '<pre>' . $results . '</pre>' .

    echo '<h2>2. Post-Upgrade Routines for R6.x</h2>';

    echo '<h3>2.1. Reset upsized TEXT columns back to TEXT or MEDIUMTEXT:</h3>';

    if (!isset($_POST['reset_text_column']))
        echo $this->form_open('reset_text');
        echo '<button type="submit" name="reset_text_column">' . $this->_t('UpdateButton') . '</button>';
        echo $this->form_close();
    else if (isset($_POST['reset_text_column']))
         * tables having converted to utf8mb4 auto upsized the TEXT columns to avoid insufficient storage
         *        TEXT -> MEDIUMTEXT -> LONGTEXT
         * most of these columns store Latin1 strings and do not require that storage size, set them back to default size
         *        LONGTEXT -> MEDIUMTEXT -> TEXT
        $sql = [
            "ALTER TABLE {$prefix}acl CHANGE list list TEXT COLLATE {$collation} NOT NULL AFTER privilege;",
            "ALTER TABLE {$prefix}config CHANGE config_value config_value TEXT COLLATE {$collation} NULL AFTER config_name;",
            "ALTER TABLE {$prefix}external_link CHANGE link link TEXT COLLATE {$collation} NOT NULL AFTER page_id;",
            "ALTER TABLE {$prefix}file CHANGE caption caption TEXT COLLATE {$collation} NOT NULL AFTER file_description;",
            "ALTER TABLE {$prefix}log CHANGE message message TEXT COLLATE {$collation} NOT NULL AFTER ip;",
            "ALTER TABLE {$prefix}page CHANGE body body MEDIUMTEXT COLLATE {$collation} NOT NULL AFTER modified,
                CHANGE body_r body_r MEDIUMTEXT COLLATE {$collation} NOT NULL AFTER body,
                CHANGE body_toc body_toc TEXT COLLATE {$collation} NOT NULL AFTER body_r;",
            "ALTER TABLE {$prefix}referrer CHANGE user_agent user_agent TEXT COLLATE {$collation} NOT NULL AFTER ip;",
            "ALTER TABLE {$prefix}revision CHANGE body body MEDIUMTEXT COLLATE {$collation} NOT NULL AFTER modified,
                CHANGE body_r body_r MEDIUMTEXT COLLATE {$collation} NOT NULL AFTER body;",

        $results =
            '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Started conversion of TEXT columns' . "\n" .
            '================================================</strong>' . "\n";

        // reset TEXT columns
        foreach ($sql as $query)

        $results .=
            '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Reset converted TEXT columns' . "\n" .
            '================================================</strong>' . "\n";

            '<div class="code">' .
                '<pre>' . $results . '</pre>' .

    if (version_compare($this->db->wacko_version, '6.0.beta1' , '>='))
        echo '<h3>2.2. Convert HTML entities to their corresponding Unicode characters:</h3>';

        if (!isset($_POST['convert_html_entities']))
            echo $this->form_open('html_entities');
            echo '<button type="submit" name="convert_html_entities">' . $this->_t('UpdateButton') . '</button>';
            echo $this->form_close();
        else if (isset($_POST['convert_html_entities']))
            # set_time_limit(3600);

            $convert_entities = function($input)
                return preg_replace_callback('/(&#[0-9]+;)/', function($m) { return mb_convert_encoding($m[1], 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES'); }, $input);

            /* Tables: sets value 2 in converted record to avoid double conversion
             *        1 - utf8
             *        2 - HTML entities
             *        3 - mojibake
            $tables = [

            // add field 'converted'
            foreach ($tables as $table)
                $this->db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE " . $prefix . $table . " ADD converted TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';");

            $results =
                '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Tables record conversion started ' . "\n" .
                '================================================</strong>' . "\n";

            ## 1. FILES ##

            if ($files = $this->db->load_all(
                "SELECT file_id, file_name, file_description, caption " .
                "FROM {$prefix}file " .
                "WHERE converted <> 2 ")
                $total = 0;
                $results .=
                    "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'file' . "\n" .
                    "\t" . '------------------------------------------------</strong>' . "\n";

                foreach($files as $file)
                    $file_description    = $convert_entities($file['file_description']);
                    $caption            = $convert_entities($file['caption']);

                    # echo $file['file_name'] . '<br>';

                    // update file meta data
                        "UPDATE {$prefix}file SET " .
                            "file_description    = " . $this->db->q($file_description) . ", " .
                            "caption            = " . $this->db->q($caption) . ", " .
                            "converted            = 2 " .
                        "WHERE file_id = " . (int) $file['file_id'] . " " .
                        "LIMIT 1");


                $results .= "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Records converted' . ': ' . $total . '</strong>' . "\n\n\n";

            ## 2. PAGES ##

            if ($pages = $this->db->load_all(
                "SELECT page_id, title, body, edit_note, description, keywords " .
                "FROM {$prefix}page " .
                "WHERE converted <> 2 ")
                $total = 0;
                $results .=
                    "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'page' . "\n" .
                    "\t" . '------------------------------------------------</strong>' . "\n";

                foreach($pages as $page)
                    $title            = $convert_entities($page['title']);
                    $body            = $convert_entities($page['body']);
                    $edit_note        = $convert_entities($page['edit_note']);
                    $description    = $convert_entities($page['description']);
                    $keywords        = $convert_entities($page['keywords']);

                    # echo $tag . '<br>';

                    // update current page copy
                        "UPDATE {$prefix}page SET " .
                            "title            = " . $this->db->q($title) . ", " .
                            "body            = " . $this->db->q($body) . ", " .
                            "edit_note        = " . $this->db->q($edit_note) . ", " .
                            "description    = " . $this->db->q($description) . ", " .
                            "keywords        = " . $this->db->q($keywords) . ", " .
                            "converted        = 2 " .
                        "WHERE page_id = " . (int) $page['page_id'] . " " .
                        "LIMIT 1");


                $results .= "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Records converted' . ': ' . $total . '</strong>' . "\n\n\n";

            ## 3. REVISIONS ##

            if ($revisions = $this->db->load_all(
                "SELECT revision_id, title, body, edit_note, description, keywords " .
                "FROM {$prefix}revision " .
                "WHERE converted <> 2 ")
                $total = 0;
                $results .=
                    "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'revision' . "\n" .
                    "\t" . '------------------------------------------------</strong>' . "\n";

                foreach($revisions as $revision)
                    $title            = $convert_entities($revision['title']);
                    $body            = $convert_entities($revision['body']);
                    $edit_note        = $convert_entities($revision['edit_note']);
                    $description    = $convert_entities($revision['description']);
                    $keywords        = $convert_entities($revision['keywords']);

                    # echo $revision['revision_id'] . ': ' . $tag . '<br>';

                    // update revision
                        "UPDATE {$prefix}revision SET " .
                            "title            = " . $this->db->q($title) . ", " .
                            "body            = " . $this->db->q($body) . ", " .
                            "edit_note        = " . $this->db->q($edit_note) . ", " .
                            "description    = " . $this->db->q($description) . ", " .
                            "keywords        = " . $this->db->q($keywords) . ", " .
                            "converted        = 2 " .
                        "WHERE revision_id = " . (int) $revision['revision_id'] . " " .
                        "LIMIT 1");


                $results .= "\t" . '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Records converted' . ': ' . $total . '</strong>' . "\n\n\n";

            $results .=
                '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Tables records converted.' . "\n" .
                '================================================</strong>' . "\n";

                '<div class="code">' .
                    '<pre>' . $results . '</pre>' .

        echo '<h3>2.3. Remove column \'converted\' from tables:</h3>';

        if (!isset($_POST['remove_converted_column']))
            echo $this->form_open('converted_column');
            echo '<button type="submit" name="remove_converted_column">' . $this->_t('UpdateButton') . '</button>';
            echo $this->form_close();
        else if (isset($_POST['remove_converted_column']))
            // tables having 'converted' column to avoid double conversion
            $tables = [

            // drop field 'converted'
            foreach ($tables as $table)
                $this->db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE " . $prefix . $table . " DROP converted;");

            $results =
                '<strong>' . date('H:i:s') . ' - ' . 'Droped column \'converted\' from tables' . "\n" .
                '================================================</strong>' . "\n";

                '<div class="code">' .
                    '<pre>' . $results . '</pre>' .