Extensions / Components / Actions

Hello Wacko Team
I'm getting about 42 hits.
I'm getting about 56 hits.

What is the best place to find commercial / open source Extensions / Components ?
Do we have a gallery or market place with additional stuff?

I can see that extension Bad Behavior was pre-installed.
What other extensions are known to be useful?

In Europe, people could require an extension that is dealing with GDPR Data Protection / Cookie Policy Settings.
My impression was, that admin.php?mode=config_security - does not cater for EU GDPR yet.


  1. Re: Extensions / Components / Actions

    see /Dev/PatchesHacks

    Usually the Gallery action and additional formatters. It highly depends on your use case.

    Has a life of its own. I didn't finished the implementation because I found out that this is a Wiki.
    /Org/GDPR - there are some notes, and I have some unfinished code for user self-deletion.

    The cookies used by WackoWiki core are not subject to user consent.
    • WikiAdmin
    • 01/24/2022 10:45 edited
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