Upgrade from 6.0.37 to 6.1.26 on php 7.4.33

Hi there.
Is it possible ?


  1. Re: Upgrade from 6.0.37 to 6.1.26 on php 7.4.33

    WackoWiki 6.1 uses string functions and as well the match expression not available in PHP 7.4.

    Out of the box it is probably better to upgrade the stack or move WackoWiki to an stack with at least PHP 8 0 and MariaDB 10.4 or MySQL 8.0.

    Since I no longer have a PHP 7.4 stack for testing ,I gave up backporting features to WackoWiki 6.0.
    • WikiAdmin
    • 11/28/2024 01:11 edited
  2. Re: Upgrade from 6.0.37 to 6.1.26 on php 7.4.33

    MariaDB 10.2 or 10.3 are ok, there is no technical requirement for MariaDB 10.4 except that previous versions are End of support.

    Go to constants.php and change DB_MIN_VERSION to
    const DB_MIN_VERSION			= ['mariadb' => '10.2.2', 'mysql' => '5.7.7'];	

    Now you can install WackoWiki 6.1.26.
    • WikiAdmin
    • 11/28/2024 20:24 edited
  3. Re: Upgrade from 6.0.37 to 6.1.26 on php 7.4.33

    In this particular case, MariaDB 10.4, it was a feedback from a software packager that many hosters and appliances use for adding WackoWiki. When solving the SQL mode incompatibilities between MySQL 8 and MariaDB I set this threshold for removing NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER for MySQL 8.0 or greater.
    • WikiAdmin
    • 11/29/2024 09:09 edited
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