Blank page after install. 18.04 LAMP

Ubuntu server 18.04 with Kubuntu Desktop.

Did normal install on LAMP phpmyadmin for the database. Ran installed and all was fine.

Location: /var/www/html/wackowiki

After install I only get a blank page. View Page Source is also blank.

Changed permissions to 777 all around. Changed owner to www-data and nothing helps.

Mediawiki in /var/www/html/mediawiki installed and ran fine.


  1. Tried Again on another server

    Second server install also failed. Failed in two locations. Still nothing but a blank page. It says all went well and then nothing.

    What am I missing?

    Below is my final config from the third attempt

    // config.php written at Fri Nov 29 14:50:06 2019
    // detailed description
    // do not change wacko_version manually!
    $wacko_config = [
    	'base_url' => '',
    	'database_charset' => 'latin1',
    	'database_collation' => '0',
    	'database_driver' => 'mysqli_legacy',
    	'database_engine' => 'InnoDB',
    	'database_host' => 'localhost',
    	'database_port' => '3306',
    	'database_database' => 'wackowiki',
    	'database_user' => 'wiki',
    	'database_password' => 'wiki',
    	'sql_mode_strict' => '0',
    	'table_prefix' => 'wacko_',
    	'system_seed' => 'mXt81W30B(3p9MRc96dK',
    	'recovery_password' => '',
    	'hashid_seed' => '03&4-~oS3&5Ke~b&@6T7',
    	'wacko_version' => '5.5.15',	

  2. Thanks but still same

    I have read the article. That is what I did. Must be some odd error somewhere. But it doesn't work on my laptop(ub server with Kub on top) nor on the Production Server.

    Thanks for the help.
  3. Enable error reporting

    You can enable error reporting in the config/constant.php -> const PHP_ERROR_REPORTING = 6; and check error logs.


    Additional you can try if it works with disabled ModRewrite to narrow down the source of the error.
    • WikiAdmin
    • 11/29/2019 08:44 edited
  4. Never got it to work. Switching to MediaWiki

    I tried to no avail to get this to work. I have a friend who I trust who swears by WackoWiki and neither of us could figure this out. At this point I need to move forward and will install mediawiki.

    You have a great product here. The error is probably my own.
  5. Re: Never got it to work.

    It would be nice to identify the error source to tell others how to solve the issue. If you turn error reporting on, you should get a feedback about what went wrong. You're not the first reporting issues getting WackoWiki deployed on Ubuntu. Did you tried to turn mode_rewrite OFF? And what is the error log saying?

    We do test WackoWiki locally with XAMPP and on our server (shared hosting).
    You can try to run it in a different local/remote environment till the error source is found if that is feasible.
  6. I keep trying

    I continue to try various things. Turning Mod rewrite off made no change. I am still trying to find where the php logs are. What i have seen so far shows no errors. It simply does nothing. I do not have a vhosts entry. Do I need one. A friend will do an install on one of my remote servers this week and see what happens.

    Here are some logs from /var/log/apache2/

     >getMathExtension()\n#1 /var/www/html/wackowiki/class/urirouter.php(250): Hashids\\Hashids->__construct('O-oiND7eRCQrps8...')\n#2 /var/www/html/wackowiki/class/urirouter.php(79): UriRouter->route(Array)\n#3 /var/www/html/wackowiki/index.php(16): UriRouter->run(Array)\n#4 {main}\n  thrown in /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php on line 418
    [Wed Dec 11 06:08:36.011639 2019] [php7:error] [pid 12255] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught RuntimeException: Missing BC Math or GMP extension. in /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php:418\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php(106): Hashids\\Hashids->getMathExtension()\n#1 /var/www/html/wackowiki/class/urirouter.php(250): Hashids\\Hashids->__construct('O-oiND7eRCQrps8...')\n#2 /var/www/html/wackowiki/class/urirouter.php(79): UriRouter->route(Array)\n#3 /var/www/html/wackowiki/index.php(16): UriRouter->run(Array)\n#4 {main}\n  thrown in /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php on line 418
    [Wed Dec 11 06:08:36.503912 2019] [php7:error] [pid 12256] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught RuntimeException: Missing BC Math or GMP extension. in /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php:418\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php(106): Hashids\\Hashids->getMathExtension()\n#1 /var/www/html/wackowiki/class/urirouter.php(250): Hashids\\Hashids->__construct('O-oiND7eRCQrps8...')\n#2 /var/www/html/wackowiki/class/urirouter.php(79): UriRouter->route(Array)\n#3 /var/www/html/wackowiki/index.php(16): UriRouter->run(Array)\n#4 {main}\n  thrown in /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php on line 418
    [Wed Dec 11 06:08:36.711630 2019] [php7:error] [pid 12257] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught RuntimeException: Missing BC Math or GMP extension. in /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php:418\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php(106): Hashids\\Hashids->getMathExtension()\n#1 /var/www/html/wackowiki/class/urirouter.php(250): Hashids\\Hashids->__construct('O-oiND7eRCQrps8...')\n#2 /var/www/html/wackowiki/class/urirouter.php(79): UriRouter->route(Array)\n#3 /var/www/html/wackowiki/index.php(16): UriRouter->run(Array)\n#4 {main}\n  thrown in /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php on line 418
    [Wed Dec 11 06:08:36.872746 2019] [php7:error] [pid 12258] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught RuntimeException: Missing BC Math or GMP extension. in /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php:418\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php(106): Hashids\\Hashids->getMathExtension()\n#1 /var/www/html/wackowiki/class/urirouter.php(250): Hashids\\Hashids->__construct('O-oiND7eRCQrps8...')\n#2 /var/www/html/wackowiki/class/urirouter.php(79): UriRouter->route(Array)\n#3 /var/www/html/wackowiki/index.php(16): UriRouter->run(Array)\n#4 {main}\n  thrown in /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php on line 418
    [Wed Dec 11 06:08:37.015608 2019] [php7:error] [pid 12254] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught RuntimeException: Missing BC Math or GMP extension. in /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php:418\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php(106): Hashids\\Hashids->getMathExtension()\n#1 /var/www/html/wackowiki/class/urirouter.php(250): Hashids\\Hashids->__construct('O-oiND7eRCQrps8...')\n#2 /var/www/html/wackowiki/class/urirouter.php(79): UriRouter->route(Array)\n#3 /var/www/html/wackowiki/index.php(16): UriRouter->run(Array)\n#4 {main}\n  thrown in /var/www/html/wackowiki/lib/hashids/Hashids.php on line 418	
  7. Re: Missing BC Math or GMP extension

    PHP Fatal error: The BC Math or GMP extension is missing. The Hashids lib and the URI router is therefore failing.

    The installer indicates whether all required PHP extensions are available.

    WackoWiki installation step 2: system requirements

    BC Math (php-bcmath) should be available if you did the following:
    apt -y install

    Please install all required PHP extensions: bcmath, ctype, gd, iconv, json, mbstring, openssl, pcre, spl.
    Then try it again.

    I suggest you to install already R6.0.rc1 because this will save you the migration to Unicode later on. R6.0.0 will be out soon.
    • WikiAdmin
    • 03/11/2022 12:19 edited

    OK when I installed all the boxes were ticked. I installed the R6 rc1 and added BC-Math. That was missing on my install.

    All went well. Thanks again. Below are a list of the commands I ran during the install.

    Now to learn a new platform.

    sudo rsync -avz /home/acer/Downloads/wacko.r6.0.rc1/wacko/ /var/www/html/wackowiki/
    sending incremental file list
    sent 1,788,164 bytes  received 15,196 bytes  3,606,720.00 bytes/sec
    total size is 6,449,842  speedup is 3.58
    cd /var/www/html/wackowiki
    chmod 0755 _cache/config/ _cache/feed/ _cache/page/ _cache/query/ _cache/session/ _cache/template/ file/backup/ file/global/ file/perpage/ file/thumb/ xml/
    chmod 666 config/config.php config/lock config/lock_ap sitemap.xml
    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/wackowiki/
    sudo chmod 640 config/config.php
    sudo rm -R /setup	
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