Action: Feed

Also available in Deutsch, Français, Русский

	[title="News feed title|no"]
		"text" - displayed as title
		"no" - means show no title
		empty title - title taken from feed
		1 - show time tag of feed item
		0 - hide time tag of feed item (default)
		1 - makes feed header h3 and feed-items headers h4
		0 - makes it all default


{{feed url="" time=1 max=2}}


Feed Title: openSUSE News

Leap 15.6 image respin

Leap 15.6 install media were refreshed to address an issue with old secure boot signing key for ppc64le and s390x.

Refreshed images from Leap 15.6 Build 710.3 are already available for download at So now you can enjoy installation with secure boot on more exotic architectures.

Happy Hacking!

(Image made with DALL-E)

{{feed url="" max=1 time=1}}


Feed Title: Pool von Japan Through the Eyes of Others