WackoWiki: WackoWiki Installation

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 76 (16.02.2025 05:38)

WackoWiki Installation

Also available in Deutsch[link1], Español[link2], Français[link3], Русский[link4], 简体中文[link5]

Here you will find details for your software installation of WackoWiki R6.1.

Be sure to check requirements[link6] in advance.

If you need to update your installation from an earlier version, read the Upgrade Instructions[link8] instead.

1. Before installing

  1. Download WackoWiki[link9]
  2. Unzip/untar the downloaded file
  3. Check the release notes[link10]
  4. Upload extracted files via FTP
    • copy or symlink the src/ folder to your wiki-folder, e.g wiki/
  5. You will need to enable read and write access[link11] for the following files and folders
    • _cache/config/
    • _cache/feed/
    • _cache/page/
    • _cache/query/
    • _cache/session/
    • _cache/template/
    • config/config.php
    • config/lock
    • config/lock_ap
    • file/backup/
    • file/global/
    • file/perpage/
    • file/thumb/
    • file/thumb_local/
    • xml/
    • For example:
      1. chmod 0755 _cache/config/ _cache/feed/ _cache/page/ _cache/query/  _cache/session/ _cache/template/  file/backup/ file/global/ file/perpage/ file/thumb/ file/thumb_local/ xml/	
      2. chmod 666 config/config.php config/lock config/lock_ap	
  6. Create a database, if you have not already done so (e.g. via phpMyAdmin).
    1. Database Name
    2. Server Address (often or localhost or the server IP address)
    3. Database Username
    4. Database Password
  7. Check if the provided path for CACHE_SESSION_DIR in config/constants.php is correct.
    1. The default value set in constants.php is /tmp but may vary in your environment.
    2. You may want to change this to a custom folder (e.g. _cache/session or /var/tmp)
    3. const CACHE_SESSION_DIR	= '/tmp';	
  8. Check if you got .htaccess enabled[link12] on your webserver.
    • You should have the directive: AllowOverride All in your apache vhost configuration.
  9. Open example.com/wiki-folder/ in your browser.

As with any software that you expose to the internet, there may be bugs or security problems. Do not install WackoWiki unless you intend to keep up with security upgrades (please subscribe to receive announcements of security updates via News[link13]).

2. Run the Installer

WackoWiki R6.1 installation step 1: language
Step by step as Installer Screenshots[link14].

  1. Choose language
  2. Check System Requirements
  3. Site Configuration
  4. Database Configuration
  5. Database Installation
  6. Write Config File
  7. Follow the link to your wiki.

If you encounter problems while installing WackoWiki, see problem page[link15].

3. Post-installation Configuration

attachment settings module
  1. Create the Recovery-Password[link16]
  2. Admin Panel login[link16]
    1. Set default access levels[link17]
    2. Set registration settings
    3. Mail Server (SMTP)
    4. Maximum File Upload Size
    5. Cache Levels
    6. Captcha Settings
  3. Bad Behaviour
  4. CSP settings
  5. robots.txt

3.1. Configuration tips[link7]

back to overview[link18]