Admin Panel Recovery Key

Hello Community,

i´m a developer who recently joined your community.
I have some questions. I installed Wacko Wiki onto funpic hosting.
But i can not log into the admin panel with recovery key and i ´m not requested for an user account.
Can somebody help me?


  1. Re: Admin Panel Recovery Key


    see instructions given here: /Dev/Release/R5.0/ReleaseNotes#h1433-10

    you need to change your /config/config.php file as described above
    when calling the admin panel page you need to provide your password, which was needed for creating your password hash with {{admin_recovery}} action
    • EoNy
    • 01/22/2018 10:35 edited
  2. Комментарий 420

    Where is Admin Panel? How create it?

    to login define the recovery_password in the config file first

    How do this?

    you need to change your /config/config.php file as described above

    How do this?
  3. Комментарий 423

    call the {{admin_recovery}} action as Admin and generate the password hash for your recovery_password

    How do this in R4.3.?
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