WackoWiki: FAQ

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 17 (02/13/2024 08:22)


Also available in Deutsch[link1], Français[link2], Русский[link3]

If you don't see your question below or in our forum[link4], add it and we'll try to answer it asap. Questions here tell us that the documentation pages are not as clear as they should be.

1. General

2. Setup and Install

2.1. How can I use multiple Wackos with table prefixes (wacko1_, wacko2_)?

Install twice WackoWiki, e.g. in wacko1 and wacko2 directories, then during setups indicate table prefixes wacko1_ for http://yoursite/wacko1 and wacko2_ for http://yoursite/wacko2 -- DidierSpaier[link5] /09.10.2004 01:38/

3. Formatting

3.1. How do I link to files on my network with spaces in them?

ie. C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\spider.sav
see formatting manual[link6] link section

3.2. Also want to know how to link to files on my network with spaces in them?

i.e. //sc_nt\CATALOG PAGES\Wiring Diagrams\xyz\NBCK.pdf
see formatting manual[link6] link section

3.3. How do I force wiki page creation for things the parser doesn't recognize as words?

i.e., ANSI837 refuses to make a wiki page
write ((ANSI837)) , for more see formatting manual[link6] link section

3.4. Is there a list of colors that are support by (color)Text Green, red and blue are the only ones that appear to work.

How can I get more colors in here?
see /Doc/English/Formatting/X11ColorNames[link7]

4. Administration

4.1. What's the best way to delete a user?

AFAIK, delete the record for this user in wacko_users table -- but I don't know about the sides effects ; e.g., who becomes the user of a page owned by this user ? DidierSpaier[link5] /29.09.2004 01:20/

Since R5 you can use the user management section in the Admin panel[link8] to disable or delete users.

5. Clusters

5.1. How do I create a new page?

Still can't figure out how to easily create a new page
The easiest way to create a new page is to first insert a link to that new page on an existing page, then click the link and you will get a list of templates for new pages.
see AddNewPage[link9]

6. Themes

6.1. Where can I get WackoWiki Themes?

-> Wacko Themes[link10]

7. Development and Support

7.1. Which support levels are provided?

Best effort and commercial support are available[link11] from the developers.

7.2. How is the software licensed?

WackoWiki is distributed and licensed for use under the terms of the BSD License[link12].

7.3. Can I help develop WackoWiki?

Yes, we look forward to your contributions. There are many different ways to contribute to WackoWiki development[link13].

7.4. What's the best way to submit a new Formatter, action, theme or modification to Wacko?

-> https://wackowiki.org/bugs/
-> https://github.com/WackoWiki/wackowiki (add a new issue or Pull request)

Referring pages:

  1. Doc/Deutsch/HäufigeFragen[link14]
  2. Doc/English[link15]
  3. Doc/English/Bugs[link16]
  4. Doc/English/Troubleshooting[link17]
  5. Doc/Ελληνικά[link18]