Core Team
- RideSnowNow -- developer
- Elar9000 -- developer, support
- SkipPer -- current maintainer
- EoNy -- documentation
- brianko
- Abram4 -- testing, translation, documentation
- Raysir -- testing, translation, patches
- TannSan -- developer
- DidierSpaier -- translator (French), documentation
- EvaggelosBalaskas -- translator (Greek), developer
- DaCon -- support, testing, documentation
- RobertVaeth -- SQL, Theme
- KusoMendokusee -- developer
- AdrianWalmsley -- patches
- TomSpilman -- patches
- TheBone -- developer, designer
- PascalFrance -- debugging
- SebastianDietzold -- patches
- Sergey Martynoff -- plugin
- haschek -- Theme, CSS
- SATtva -- openSpace port of the original WackoWiki engine
- DrFreeman -- translator (Russian), developer
and others.
- JohnGotze -- translator Danish
- KlePy -- translator (Spanish)
- ascrsoft -- Spanish translation
- qianmengnet - Chinese Simplified translation
If we have missed someone`s contribution -- we are very sorry for that. Please fill this page with actual information.
-> former crew