
actions, handlers, formatters, modules, extentions

Topic Author Replies Views Last comment
Double quotes ascrsoft
02.07.2024 17:59
2 433 ascrsoft
04.07.2024 00:35
I don't understand why if I use double quotes it changes it to double angle quotes "hello" and I want to "hello" Is there a way that does not make this change, since sometimes it does not do it and leaves the double quotes.
Tables Guest
03.09.2011 09:21
3 862 WikiAdmin
17.05.2024 17:21
Hi, working with fixed width tables isn't quite a joy, and joining cells only works for last right cells, alas. Maybe formatting tables could be a little optimised? 1) This... cell11|cell12|cell13 cell21|cell22 ...spans cell22 unde[..]
Need help about files action parameters snots
17.02.2023 12:32
2 779 snots
22.02.2023 07:31
Hi, I'm new to WackoWiki and I a have a question about the command. I'm trying to make a page to see all the uploaded files but I can't manage to do it. I'm calling the files command like that: but it only shows the files of the page, no[...]
redirect to another page WikiAdmin
19.02.2022 16:00
1 695 WikiAdmin
19.02.2022 16:01
I would like to have more options for redirect. For example
Action Embed align ascrsoft
31.12.2021 18:48
2 1,200 ascrsoft
01.01.2021 12:42
It would be good if this action allowed you to align to not use this option%(wacko wrapper=text wrapper_align=center)% What does the team say, good idea or bad?
new action for a playlist ascrsoft
30.12.2021 01:13
2 1,129 ascrsoft
31.12.2021 01:19
I share what I am doing as a proof of concept to make an action that can play music my idea that you can put a list with the url of the mp3 and the name in text from the content. I know that what I did is not the best way but I want you to [...]
center an external image ascrsoft
17.12.2020 18:01
2 1,059 ascrsoft
18.12.2020 01:44
Reviewing the documentation I found the following to resize and center an image: (code)width=500 align=center ( I used this a lot: (code)wrapper=text wrapper_align=center)(([...]
Callouts? berot3
16.01.2020 17:43
4 1,969 WikiAdmin
12.02.2020 18:26
Is it possible to have something like callouts or admonitions in wackowiki? like this: or this: I ha[...]
Can there be several forums? Swissmorgy
08.11.2012 16:32
1 2,290 WikiAdmin
25.11.2012 15:39
Hi there, is it possible to use forums on several pages of the same Wackoi? I yes, what is the syntax in the amin panel to do so? My default setting in the admin window to define the forum cluster is just Forum. Thanx, Swissmorgy [..]
Simple Quotes MrBell
24.10.2011 23:25
2 2,383 WikiAdmin
19.11.2011 09:42
Simple Quotes Hello, I made a simple quote script, that helps to quote text parts of pages and comments by selecting this text and pressing Ctrl+Q. Here you can see the video demonstration ( of th[..]