
users and developers discuss installations and questions here

Topic Author Replies Views Last comment
Embedding Youtube code: possible? Swissmorgy
03.06.2011 15:31
7 7,317 VictorAlx
23.10.2024 19:51
Is it possible to embed a Youtube video with the code given by Youtube like this:
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Trouble setting up Admin password hash acoder2020
10.04.2024 19:33
4 596 acoder2020
16.04.2024 15:05
Could someone help translate this documentation? I'm unsure what means as an end user. The docs don't really explain this at least not here. to login define the recovery_password in the config/config.php file first Call the actio[...]
Internal Links using PageID coffe1nk
18.10.2022 16:05
10 1,204 WikiAdmin
22.10.2022 11:57
Hi Admin, Sometimes, I reorganized wiki pages (moving to another sub-page, rename wiki) and it will break the links from another pages. Can we use wiki PageId to create links because PageId never be changed. Thanks and Regards,
Extensions / Components / Actions matjung
04.01.2022 21:44
1 1,058 WikiAdmin
04.01.2022 21:56
Hello Wacko Team https://wackowiki.org/doc/Search?phrase=Extension I'm getting about 42 hits. https://wackowiki.org/doc/Search?phrase=Components I'm getting about 56 hits. What is the best place to find commercial / open source Extensions [...]
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Administration question about revisions ascrsoft
11.12.2020 22:33
8 1,352 ascrsoft
20.12.2020 00:51
is there any way to easily know the number of revisions of each article published in the wiki? this would make it easier for the administration to locate and purge very old revisions of each article.
Replacing INDEX as a menu option bear
03.06.2020 16:20
7 1,387 WikiAdmin
08.06.2020 08:41
Admin > Content > Menu Add, edit or remove default menu items I am not able to add Index as a menu item. SO what am I doing wrong?