WackoWiki: Translating

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 226 (03/11/2025 08:11)


This guide is about translating WackoWiki to another language.

WackoWiki‘s userinterface can be configured to use any language by setting the appropriate option. Have a look in the lang/ directory to see which languages are already available. To translate WackoWiki to your own language, copy the lang/en/ directory to a new one named after your two-letter ISO language code[link1].


1. Supported Languages

# Language tag User Documentation Localization Locale Maintainer
1 ar العربية العربية[link2] ar_EG.UTF-8
2 bg Български ((!/bg )) bg_BG.UTF-8
3 cs Čeština ((!/cs )) cs_CZ.UTF-8
4 da Dansk Danish[link3] da_DK.UTF-8
5 de Deutsch[link4] Deutsch[link5] de_DE.UTF-8 WikiAdmin[link6]
6 el Ελληνικά[link7] Ελληνικά[link8] el_GR.UTF-8 Evaggelos Balaskas[link9]
7 en English[link10] English[link11] en.UTF-8 brianko[link12]
8 es Español[link13] Español es_ES.UTF-8 KlePy[link14]
9 et Eesti ((!/et )) et_EE.UTF-8
10 fa فارسی ((!/fa )) fa_IR.UTF-8
11 fi Suomi ((!/fi )) fi_FI.UTF-8
12 fr Français[link15] Français[link16] fr_FR.UTF-8
13 hi हिन्दी[link17] ((!/hi )) hi_IN.UTF-8
14 hu Magyar[link18] ((!/hu )) hu_HU.UTF-8
15 id Bahasa Indonesia ((!/id )) id_ID.UTF-8
16 it Italiano[link19] ((!/it )) it_IT.UTF-8
17 ja 日本語[link20] ((!/ja )) ja_JP.UTF-8
18 ko 한국어[link21] ((!/ko )) ko_KR.UTF-8
19 nl Nederlands[link22] ((!/nl )) nl_NL.UTF-8
20 no Norsk ((!/no )) no_NO.UTF-8
21 pl Polski[link23] ((!/pl )) pl_PL.UTF-8
22 pt Português[link24] ((!/pt )) pt_PT.UTF-8
23 pt-br Português-Brazil ((!/pt-br )) pt_BR.UTF-8
24 ro Romainiană ((!/ro )) ro_RO.UTF-8
25 ru Русский[link25] ((!/ru )) ru_RU.UTF-8 Elar9000[link26]
26 ta தமிழ் தமிழ்[link27] ta_IN.UTF-8 தமிழ் நேரம்
27 sv Svenska ((!/sv )) sv_SE.UTF-8
28 uk Українська ((!/uk )) uk_UA.UTF-8
29 zh 简体中文[link28] 简体中文[link29] zh_CN.UTF-8 qianmengnet[link30]
30 zh-tw 正體中文[link31] ((!/zh-tw )) zh_TW.UTF-8

Important: Please note that we have not verified those translations. If you believe that a translation is false or misleading, please contact us[link32].

2. Message sets

WackoWiki supports the fi and pt-br language tag sub-code[link33] scheme in the language file name, only lower case characters are allowed.

2.1. Locations

Message sets can be found under the following locations:

Repo: https://bitbucket.org/wackowiki/wackowiki/

  1. admin/lang/
  2. js/lang/
  3. lang/
  4. setup/lang/
  5. theme/yourtheme/lang/

2.2. To Localize

Please check your language files whether the following message sets have yet to be translated into your language or whether the wording can be improved.

2.2.1. Main

  1. lang/wacko.en.php - default language file
    • default language definition
      'lang_scheme'	=> [
      	'name'		=> 'English',
      	'code'		=> 'en',
      	'dir'		=> 'ltr',
      	'locale'	=> 'en_US.UTF-8',

2.2.2. Installer

  1. setup/lang/inserts.en.php
  2. setup/lang/installer.en.php – default language file

2.2.3. Admin panel

  1. admin/lang/ap.en.php – default language file

2.2.4. JavaScript

  1. js/lang/wikiedit.en.js – default language file

2.2.5. Theme

  1. theme/yourtheme/lang/ – default language file

3. Help to improve translation

Translate WackoWiki into your language.
WackoWiki translations progress at Crowdin

Don't see your native language here? Is a translation incomplete or improper?

If your ability in English is sufficient to produce high-quality translations of English texts in a formal style, you can volunteer to translate WackoWiki.

Forum: Translation[link32]
  1. you want to start a new translation or continue an existing one and you want to avoid duplicating your work with someone else
  2. you're looking for other people who want to work with you on translating
  3. you're having technical questions about tools, the source tree, the meaning of terms, etc.

Send us your translations or corrections via E-Mail, Bugtracker, Pullreqest or add them at Crowdin.

3.1. Online Translation

translate a source string
Computer Assisted Translation

Register and login at Crowdin[link41]

If you'd like a new language to be added to Crowdin, for you to be able to provide translations for, please open a new issue here[link32].

4. Documentation

Core pages to translate

# Page Languages Notes
1 Features[link42] de[link43], es[link44], fr[link45], ru[link46], zh[link47]
2 Requirements[link48] de[link49], es[link50], fr[link51], ru[link52], zh[link53]
3 Installation[link54] de[link55], es[link56], fr[link57], ru[link58], zh[link59]
4 Upgrade[link60] de[link61], es[link62], fr[link63], ru[link64], zh[link65]
5 Configuration[link66] de[link67], es[link68], fr[link69], ru[link70]
6 Themes[link71] de[link72], es[link73], fr[link74], ru[link75], zh[link76]
7 Formatting[link77] de[link78], es[link79], fr[link80], ru[link81], zh[link82]
8 Actions[link83] de[link84], es[link85], fr[link86], ru[link87], zh[link88]
9 Access Control[link89] de[link90], es[link91], fr[link92], ru[link93], zh[link94]
10 Admin Panel[link95] de[link96], es[link97], fr[link98], ru[link99], zh[link100]
11 WikiConcept[link101] de[link102], es[link103], ru[link104]
12 Markup[link105] de[link106], es[link107], ru[link108], zh[link109]
13 Wabi-sabi[link110] de[link111], es[link112], fr[link113], ru[link114], zh[link115]
14 File Permissions[link116] de[link117], es[link118], ru[link119], zh[link120]
15 Localizations[link40]

It is desirable to have all essential pages available at least in Chinese, German, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

5. Localize your action, handler or module

5.1. Action and Handler

'UserName'	=> 'User name',	


echo $this->_t('UserName');

5.2. Template

pull in templates
 [ ' _t: UserName ' ]	

5.3. Admin Panel

'BackupCompleted'	=> 'Backing up and archiving completed.<br>' .
	'The Backup package files were stored in the sub-directory %1.<br>' .
	'To download it use FTP (maintain the directory structure and file names when copying).<br>' .
	'To restore a backup copy or remove a package, go to <a href="%2">Restore database</a>.',	


echo Ut::perc_replace(
    '<code>' . $pack . '</code>', 
    $engine->href('', '', ['mode' => 'db_restore']));

6. Tools

6.1. relang.php

6.2. Machine translation

  1. https://www.deepl.com/translator
  2. https://translate.google.com/
  3. https://translate.yandex.ru/
  4. https://www.bing.com/translator/
  5. https://mozilla.github.io/translate/ - On-device browser translations
  6. Firefox Addon

7. Suggestions

  1. Proposed Specifications For Languages Holding[link123]
  2. Language Links[link124]